Vice Chair & Head of Undergraduate Logistics Program

Prof. Tatyana Chernonog


    Journal papers

    1. Chernonog T, Kogan K (2013) The Effect of Risk Aversion on a Supply Chain with Postponed Pricing. Journal of the Operational Research Society 65(9):1396-1411.
    2. Chernonog T, Avinadav T (2014) Profit Criteria Involving Risk in Price Setting of Virtual Products.  European Journal of Operational Research 236(1):351-360. 
    3. Kogan K, Leu J, Chernonog T (2014) Healthcare supply chain operations: Why are doctors reluctant to consolidate? Operations Research for Health Care 3(3):101-115.
    4. Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Perlman Y (2014) Analysis of Protection and Pricing Strategies for Digital Products under Uncertain Demand. International Journal of Production Economics 158:54-64.
    5. Chernonog T, Avinadav T, Ben-Zvi T (2015) Pricing and sales-effort investment under bi-criteria in a supply chain of virtual products involving risk. European Journal of Operational Research 246:471-475.
    6. Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Perlman Y (2015) Consignment contract for mobile apps between a single retailer and competitive developers with different risk attitudes. European Journal of Operational Research 246:949-957.
    7. Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Perlman Y (2015) The Effect of Risk Sensitivity on Supply Chain of Mobile Applications under Consignment Contract with Revenue Sharing and Quality Investment. International Journal of Production Economics 168:31-40.
    8. Kogan K, El Ouardighi F, Chernonog T (2016) Learning by doing with spillovers: Strategic complementarity versus strategic substitutability. Automatica 67:282-29.
    9. Ben-Zvi T, Chernonog T, Avinadav T (2016) A two-state partially observable Markov decision process with three actions. European Journal of Operational Research 254(3):957-967.
    10. Chernonog T, Khmelnitsky E (2016) An Optimal Time-Management Policy for Labor Supply and Consumption Decisions. Central European Journal of Operations Research 24(3):617-635.
    11. Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Lahav Y,  Spiegel U (2017) Dynamic pricing and promotion expenditures in an EOQ model of perishable products. Annals of Operations Research 248(1-2):75-91.
    12. Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Perlman, Y. (2017) Mergers and acquisitions between risk-‎averse parties. European Journal of Operational Research 259 (3):926-934. ‎ttps://
    13. Hanukov G, Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Spiegel U, Yechiali U (2017) A Queueing ‎System with Decomposed Service and Inventoried Preliminary Services.  Applied ‎Mathematical Modelling 47:76-293.‎‎ ‎
    14. Hanukov G, Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Spiegel U, Yechiali U (2018) Improving ‎Efficiency in Service Systems by Performing and Storing Preliminary Services. International ‎Journal of Production Economics 197:174-185. ‎ 
    15. Hanukov G, Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Yechiali U (2019) Performance improvement of ‎a service system via stocking perishable preliminary services. European Journal of ‎Operational Research 274(3):1000-1011.‎
    16. Chernonog T, Goldberg N (2018) On the multi-product newsvendor with bounded demand ‎distributions. International Journal of Production Economics 203:38-47.‎
    17. Kogan K, Chernonog T, Avinadav T (2018) The effect of delivery deviations on the ‎choice of a supplier and the supply-chain equilibrium. Applied Mathematical Modelling 62:‎‎368-382.‎
    18. Herbon A, Shnaiderman M,  Chernonog T (2018) Postponed two-pricing and ordering ‎opportunity for selling a single season inventoried product. Annals of Operations ‎Research 271(2):619-640.‎
    19. Chernonog T, Avinadav T, Ben-Zvi T (201‎‏9‏‎) How to set price and quality in a supply ‎chain of virtual products under bi-criteria and risk consideration. International Journal of ‎Production Economics 209:156-163. ‎
    20. Chernonog T, Avinadav T (2019) Pricing and advertising in a supply chain of perishable ‎products under asymmetric information. International Journal of Production Economics ‎‎209:249-264. ‎
    21. Kogan K, Chernonog T (2019) Competition under Industry-Stock-Driven Prevailing ‎Market Price: Environmental Consequences and the Effect of Uncertainty. European ‎Journal of Operational Research 276(3):929-946.‎
    22. Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Ben-Zvi T (2019) The effect of information superiority on a supply chain of virtual products. International Journal of Production Economics 216:384-397.
    23. Chernonog T (2020) Inventory and marketing policy in a supply chain of a perishable product. International Journal of Production Economics 219:259-274. 
    24. Hanukov G, Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Yechiali U (2020) A service system with perishable products where customers are either fastidious or strategic. International Journal of Production Economics, 228, 107696
    25. Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., Fruchter, G. E., & Prasad, A. (2020). Contract Design when Quality is Co-Created in a Supply Chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 286(3), 908-918
    26. Bart, N., Chernonog, T., & Avinadav, T. (2021). Revenue-sharing contracts in supply chains: a comprehensive literature review. International Journal of Production Research, 59(21), 6633-6658.
    27. Hanukov, G., Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., & Yechiali, U. (2021). A multi-server system with inventory of preliminary services and stock-dependent demand. International Journal of Production Research, 59(14), 4384-4402
    28. Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., & Khmelnitsky, E. (2021). Revenue-sharing between developers of virtual products and platform distributors. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(3), 927-945 
    29. Chernonog, T. (2021). Strategic information sharing in online retailing under a consignment contract with revenue sharing. Annals of Operations Research, 300(2), 621-641
    30. Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Meilijson I.E., Perlman Y. (2022) A consignment contract with revenue-sharing between an app developer and a distribution platform. International Journal of Production Economics, 243, 108322.
    31. Chernonog, T., & Levy, P. (2023). Co-creation of mobile app quality in a two-platform supply chain when platforms are asymmetric. European Journal of Operational Research308(1), 183-200. 
    32. **Kogan, B., Chernonog, T., & Herbon, A. (2023). Project scheduling to minimize the makespan under flexible resource profiles and marginal diminishing returns of the resource. Computers & Operations Research, 106440.
    33. Chernonog, T., & Hanukov, G. (2024). Chat service in a multichannel system under competition where customers are boundedly rational. Applied Mathematical Modelling128, 492-516.
    34. Chernonog, T. (2024). Supply chains of mobile apps: competition, private labels and bypassing when the app’s quality is co-created. Annals of Operations Research332(1), 859-890.
    35. Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Shamir N. (2025) Information Provision from a Platform to Competing Sellers: The Role of Strategic Ambiguity. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 27(1), 269-286.

    36. Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Khmelnitsky E. Flexible revenue-sharing contract in a platform-based supply chain under heterogeneous beliefs of the parties. Production and Operations Management (published online).‏‏



    Book chapters

    1. Chernonog T (2018) First-Time Interaction under Revenue-Sharing Contract and Asymmetric Beliefs of Supply-Chain Members. In New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems (pp. 161-168). Springer, Cham.


    Papers in conference proceedings

    1. Chernonog, T. (2018). First-Time Interaction Under Revenue-Sharing Contract and Asymmetric Beliefs of Supply-Chain. New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems: ODS, Taormina, Italy, September 10–13, 20181, 161.‏
    2. Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2019) A multi-server queueing-inventory system with stock-dependent demand. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 671-676.
    3. Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2019) Revenue sharing contracts in a supply chain: a literature review. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 1578-1583.


    Papers presented at scientific conferences

    1. Chernonog, T. Avinadav, T., Henig, M. I. (2012). Price Setting in a Single Selling Period with Various Risk Criteria. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
    2. Shnaiderman, M. and Chernonog. T. (2012). The Effects of Risk Aversion and Service Constraints on a Two-Period Newsvendor Policy with Postponed Pricing. INFORMS 2012 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
    3. Chernonog, T., Avinadav, T., Henig, M. I. (2013). Profit Criteria Involving Risk in Price Setting of Virtual Products. Proceedings of International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Malaga, Spain.
    4. Sherill-Rofe, D, Chernonog, T. (2013). Hospital – Sick Fund Contracting and Quality of Care: A Game Theoretical Approach. Proceedings of INFORMS Healthcare 2013 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il, USA. 
    5. Avinadav, T, Chernonog, T, Perlman, Y. (2014). Analysis of Protection and Pricing Strategies for Digital Products under Uncertain Demand. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    6. Sherill-Rofe, D, Chernonog, T. (2014). Hospital – Sick Fund Contracting and Quality of Care: A Game Theoretical Approach. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel.
    7. Perlman, Y., Chernonog, T. and Avinadav, T.(2015). Consignment contract for a supply chain of a single retailer and competitive manufacturers with different risk attitudes. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
    8. Chernonog, T, Perlman, Y. and Avinadav, T. (2015). The Effect of Risk Sensitivity on Supply Chain Management under a Consignment Contract with Revenue Sharing and Quality Investment. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
    9. Hanukov, G., Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., Spiegel, U. and Yechiali, U. (2015). "Utilization of server’s idle time for greater efficiency in queueing systems". Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
    10. Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., Lahav, Y. and Spiegel, U. (2015). Dynamic Pricing and Promotion Expenditures in an EOQ Model of Perishable Items. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
    11. Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T. and Ben-Zvi, T.(2015). Stochastic discrete time-cost problem (SDTCP) under the Target criterion. IIE Annual 2015, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
    12. Perlman, Y., Chernonog, T. and Avinadav, T. (2015). Consignment contract for a supply chain of a single retailer and competitive manufacturers with different risk attitudes. The 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, UK.
    13. Chernonog, T, Perlman, Y. and Avinadav, T. (2015). Consignment contract in a supply chain of mobile applications under risk consideration. The 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, UK.
    14. Chernonog, T. (invited speaker), Perlman, Y. and Avinadav, T. (2015). Coordination of a Supply Chain of Mobile Applications under Risk Consideration. The International Conference on Operations Research 2015 (OR2015), Vienna, Austria.
    15. Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T. and Ben-Zvi, T. (2016). Profit criteria involving risk in a supply chain of virtual products. International symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
    16. Hanukov, G., Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., Spiegel, U. and Yechiali, U. (2016). Queueing Systems with Preliminary Services. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
    17. Perlman, Y., Avinadav, T. and Chernonog, T. (2016). The effect of risk aversion on mergers and acquisitions. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
    18. Chernonog, T., Avinadav, T. and Ben-Zvi, T. (2016). Supply chain of virtual products: making marketing decisions under bi-criteria. The 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland.
    19. Perlman Y., Chernonog, T. and Avinadav, T. (2016). Mergers and acquisitions between risk averse parties. The 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland.
    20. Avinadav T. and Chernonog T. (2016). Pricing and advertising in a supply chain of perishable products under asymmetric information. The 19th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
    21. Chernonog T., Avinadav T. and Ben-Zvi T. (2016). How to set price and sales effort in a supply chain of virtual products under bi-criteria and risk consideration. The 19th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
    22. Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Spiegel U. amd Yechiali U.  (2017). A queueing system with decomposed service and inventoried preliminary services. ORSIS National Meeting, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
    23. Goldberg N. and Chernonog T. (2017). New mathematical programming formulation for constrained multi-items newsvendor with extensions for display capacity constraint. ORSIS National Meeting, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
    24. Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Spiegel U. and Yechiali U. (2017). Queues with inventoried service. The POMS International Conference in Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
    25. Avinadav T. and Chernonog T. (2017). Pricing and advertising in a supply chain of perishable products under asymmetric information. The POMS International Conference in Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel. 
    26. Goldberg N. and Chernonog T. (2017). New mathematical programming formulation for constrained multi-items newsvendor with extensions for display capacity constraint. The POMS International Conference in Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel. 
    27. Kogan K., Avinadav T. and Chernonog T. (2017). "Supply chain equilibrium under two types of uncertainty: customers' demand and suppliers' lead-time". ECCOMAS Conference of Computational Modelling of Multi-Uncertainty and Multi-Scale Problems, Porto, Portugal.
    28. Chernonog T. (2017). Consignment Contract with Revenue Sharing in Online Retailing under Strategic Information Sharing. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA.
    29. Avinadav T., Chernonog T. and Perelman Y. (2017). Value of Information-sharing in a Supply Chain under a Revenue-sharing Contract. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA.
    30. Ben-Zvi T., Chernonog T. and Avinadav T. (2017). Two-state Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes with Imperfect Information. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA.
    31. Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Perlman Y., Meilijson I. (2018). Value of information-sharing and information accuracy in a supply chain under a revenue-sharing contract. ORSIS National Meeting, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
    32. Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2018). A queueing system with pre-prepared services and with tolerant and impatient customers. ORSIS National Meeting, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
    33. Gutterman Z., Chernonog T. (2018). A Supply Chain of Mobile Applications: Pricing and Quality Decisions in a Two-Sided Market. ORSIS National Meeting, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
    34. Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2018). Inventory and marketing policy in a supply chain of a perishable product under revenue sharing contract. International Conference of Industrial Logistics, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
    35. Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2018). A Queueing System with Pre-Prepared Services and with Fastidious and Impatient Customers. European Conference on Queueing Theory, Jerusalem, Israel.
    36. Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2018). An EOQ model in a supply chain of a perishable product under a revenue sharing contract. The 20th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
    37. Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2018). Inventory and marketing policy in a supply chain of a perishable product under a wholesale price contract. The 20th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
    38. Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2018). A Service System with Inventory of Perishable Products and Customers who are Fastidious or Impatient. The 20th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
    39. Chernonog, T. (2018). First-time interaction under revenue-sharing contract and asymmetric beliefs of supply-chain members. International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science - ODS2018. Taormina, Italy.
    40. Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2019). “Revenue sharing contracts in a ‎supply chain: a literature review”. ORSIS National Meeting, ‎Shefayim, Israel.‎
    41. Chernonog T. (2019). “Inventory and marketing policy in a supply chain of a perishable product”. ORSIS National Meeting, ‎Shefayim, Israel.‎
    42. Kogan, K., Chernonog T. (2019).  “Competition under Industry-Stock-Driven Prevailing Market Price: Environmental Consequences and the Effect of Uncertainty”. ORSIS National Meeting, ‎Shefayim, Israel.‎
    43. Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2019). “A Multi-Server Queueing-Inventory System with Stock-Dependent Demand”. MIM 2019, Berlin, Germany.
    44. Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2019). “Revenue Sharing Contracts in a Supply Chain: A Literature Review”. MIM 2019, Berlin, Germany. 
    45. Chernonog T. (2021). Supply chains of mobile apps: Competition, private labels and bypassing when the app’s quality is co-created. The 31st European Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece.
    46. Levy P., Chernonog T. (2021). The effect of market power structure on a two-platform supply chain when app-quality is co-created. The 31st European Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece.
    47. Chernonog T., Levy P. (2021) Two-platform supply chain with quality co-creation. ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
    48. Chernonog T. (2021). Supply chains of mobile apps: Competition, private labels and bypassing when the app’s quality is co-created. The 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Seoul, Korea. 
    49. Levy P., Chernonog T. (2021). The effect of market power structure on a two-platform supply chain when app-quality is co-created. The 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Seoul, Korea. 
    50. Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Shamir N. (2022). “Information Exchange between Platform and Sellers”. ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
    51. **Fine D., Chernonog T. (2022). “In-app advertising in a mobile apps supply chain”. ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
    52. **Kogan B., Chernonog T., Herbon, A. (2022). “FRCPSP considering diminishing marginal returns”. ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
    53. **Fine D., Chernonog T. (2022). “The effects of risk consideration on a supply chain of free mobile apps with in-app advertising”. The 32th European Conference on Operational Research, Helsinki, Finland.
    54. *Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2023). “Introducing fairness concerns in revenue-sharing contracts for virtual products”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 1-2, 2023.
    55. Hanukov G., Chernonog T. (2023). “Chat service in a multichannel system under competition where customers are boundedly rational”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
    56. **Kogan B., Chernonog T., Herbon A. (2023). “Project scheduling of armored combat vehicle maintenance under flexible resource profiles and marginal diminishing returns”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
    57. Lahav Y., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023).  “The effect of leadership on the supply chain of a perishable product”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
    58. Shamir N., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023). “Information Provision between a Platform and Competing Sellers: The Role of Strategic Ambiguity”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
    59. **Switat S., Chernonog T. (2023). “Business coordination between vendors of complementary ERP software products: A game theoretic approach”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
    60. *Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2023). “Introducing fairness concerns in revenue-sharing contracts for virtual products”. The POMS International Conference, Paris, France.
    61. Lahav Y., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023). “Leadership's effect on the supply chain of a perishable product”. The POMS International Conference in France, Paris, France.
    62. Shamir N., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023). “Information Provision between a Platform and Competing Sellers: The Role of Strategic Ambiguity”. The POMS International Conference, Paris, France.
    63. Lahav Y., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023). "The effect of leadership on the supply chain of a perishable product". ODS International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, Ischia, Italy.


    * — Doctoral student under my supervision/co-supervision.

    ** — MA student under my supervision/co-supervision.

    פרסומים בהכנה
    1. Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Perlman Y., Meilijson, I. “Commission schemes of revenue-sharing contract for online marketplace under information asymmetry".
    2. Chernonog T., & Levy P. “Omnichannel retailing—machine learning approach”.
    3. Chernonog T., & Goldberg N. “Assortment-constrained multi-product newsvendor: optimal product variety and stocking levels when display space is limited”.
    4. Chernonog T., & Hanukov, G. “Service chat system—multiphase customer-involved queueing model”.
    5. Chernonog T., Herbon A., & **Kogan B. “Project scheduling of armored combat vehicle maintenance under flexible resource profiles and marginal diminishing returns of the resource”.



    Operations Research A

    Operations Research B

    Seminar (theoretical)

    Advanced Research Tools


    תחומי מחקר

    Research Areas

    • Production and Operations Management
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Inventory Management



    ISF 1448/17: A Novel Approach for Efficiency Improvement of Service Systems by Performing and Storing Preliminary Services (with Avinadav T., Yechiali U.). 303,000 NIS over 2017-2020.

    ISF 1571/20: A Novel Approach to Business Agreement in a Supply Chain of Mobile Apps (with Avinadav T.). 333,000 NIS over 2020-2023.


    Participation in Workshops

    • Queueing Theory in Operations Research (YEQT), EURANDOM, Eindhoven, Netherlands, November 7-9, 2016.

    Last Updated Date : 28/01/2025