Prof. Tatyana Chernonog
Journal papers
- Chernonog T, Kogan K (2013) The Effect of Risk Aversion on a Supply Chain with Postponed Pricing. Journal of the Operational Research Society 65(9):1396-1411.
- Chernonog T, Avinadav T (2014) Profit Criteria Involving Risk in Price Setting of Virtual Products. European Journal of Operational Research 236(1):351-360. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2013.12.004
- Kogan K, Leu J, Chernonog T (2014) Healthcare supply chain operations: Why are doctors reluctant to consolidate? Operations Research for Health Care 3(3):101-115.
- Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Perlman Y (2014) Analysis of Protection and Pricing Strategies for Digital Products under Uncertain Demand. International Journal of Production Economics 158:54-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.07.021
- Chernonog T, Avinadav T, Ben-Zvi T (2015) Pricing and sales-effort investment under bi-criteria in a supply chain of virtual products involving risk. European Journal of Operational Research 246:471-475. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2015.05.024
- Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Perlman Y (2015) Consignment contract for mobile apps between a single retailer and competitive developers with different risk attitudes. European Journal of Operational Research 246:949-957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2015.05.016
- Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Perlman Y (2015) The Effect of Risk Sensitivity on Supply Chain of Mobile Applications under Consignment Contract with Revenue Sharing and Quality Investment. International Journal of Production Economics 168:31-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.05.036
- Kogan K, El Ouardighi F, Chernonog T (2016) Learning by doing with spillovers: Strategic complementarity versus strategic substitutability. Automatica 67:282-29.
- Ben-Zvi T, Chernonog T, Avinadav T (2016) A two-state partially observable Markov decision process with three actions. European Journal of Operational Research 254(3):957-967. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2016.04.062
- Chernonog T, Khmelnitsky E (2016) An Optimal Time-Management Policy for Labor Supply and Consumption Decisions. Central European Journal of Operations Research 24(3):617-635.
- Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Lahav Y, Spiegel U (2017) Dynamic pricing and promotion expenditures in an EOQ model of perishable products. Annals of Operations Research 248(1-2):75-91. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-016-2216-2
- Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Perlman, Y. (2017) Mergers and acquisitions between risk-averse parties. European Journal of Operational Research 259 (3):926-934. ttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2016.11.030
- Hanukov G, Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Spiegel U, Yechiali U (2017) A Queueing System with Decomposed Service and Inventoried Preliminary Services. Applied Mathematical Modelling 47:76-293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2017.03.008
- Hanukov G, Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Spiegel U, Yechiali U (2018) Improving Efficiency in Service Systems by Performing and Storing Preliminary Services. International Journal of Production Economics 197:174-185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.01.004
- Hanukov G, Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Yechiali U (2019) Performance improvement of a service system via stocking perishable preliminary services. European Journal of Operational Research 274(3):1000-1011. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.10.027
- Chernonog T, Goldberg N (2018) On the multi-product newsvendor with bounded demand distributions. International Journal of Production Economics 203:38-47.
- Kogan K, Chernonog T, Avinadav T (2018) The effect of delivery deviations on the choice of a supplier and the supply-chain equilibrium. Applied Mathematical Modelling 62:368-382. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2018.06.010
- Herbon A, Shnaiderman M, Chernonog T (2018) Postponed two-pricing and ordering opportunity for selling a single season inventoried product. Annals of Operations Research 271(2):619-640.
- Chernonog T, Avinadav T, Ben-Zvi T (2019) How to set price and quality in a supply chain of virtual products under bi-criteria and risk consideration. International Journal of Production Economics 209:156-163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.10.020
- Chernonog T, Avinadav T (2019) Pricing and advertising in a supply chain of perishable products under asymmetric information. International Journal of Production Economics 209:249-264. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.10.002
- Kogan K, Chernonog T (2019) Competition under Industry-Stock-Driven Prevailing Market Price: Environmental Consequences and the Effect of Uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research 276(3):929-946.
- Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Ben-Zvi T (2019) The effect of information superiority on a supply chain of virtual products. International Journal of Production Economics 216:384-397. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.07.004
- Chernonog T (2020) Inventory and marketing policy in a supply chain of a perishable product. International Journal of Production Economics 219:259-274.
- Hanukov G, Avinadav T, Chernonog T, Yechiali U (2020) A service system with perishable products where customers are either fastidious or strategic. International Journal of Production Economics, 228, 107696. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107696
- Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., Fruchter, G. E., & Prasad, A. (2020). Contract Design when Quality is Co-Created in a Supply Chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 286(3), 908-918. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2020.03.070
- Bart, N., Chernonog, T., & Avinadav, T. (2021). Revenue-sharing contracts in supply chains: a comprehensive literature review. International Journal of Production Research, 59(21), 6633-6658. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2020.1821929
- Hanukov, G., Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., & Yechiali, U. (2021). A multi-server system with inventory of preliminary services and stock-dependent demand. International Journal of Production Research, 59(14), 4384-4402. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2020.1762945
- Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., & Khmelnitsky, E. (2021). Revenue-sharing between developers of virtual products and platform distributors. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(3), 927-945. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2020.08.036
- Chernonog, T. (2021). Strategic information sharing in online retailing under a consignment contract with revenue sharing. Annals of Operations Research, 300(2), 621-641. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-020-03807-1
- Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Meilijson I.E., Perlman Y. (2022) A consignment contract with revenue-sharing between an app developer and a distribution platform. International Journal of Production Economics, 243, 108322. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108322
- Chernonog, T., & Levy, P. (2023). Co-creation of mobile app quality in a two-platform supply chain when platforms are asymmetric. European Journal of Operational Research, 308(1), 183-200. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2022.11.019
- **Kogan, B., Chernonog, T., & Herbon, A. (2023). Project scheduling to minimize the makespan under flexible resource profiles and marginal diminishing returns of the resource. Computers & Operations Research, 106440. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2023.106440
- Chernonog, T., & Hanukov, G. (2024). Chat service in a multichannel system under competition where customers are boundedly rational. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 128, 492-516. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2024.01.010
- Chernonog, T. (2024). Supply chains of mobile apps: competition, private labels and bypassing when the app’s quality is co-created. Annals of Operations Research, 332(1), 859-890. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-023-05763-y
Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Shamir N. (2025) Information Provision from a Platform to Competing Sellers: The Role of Strategic Ambiguity. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 27(1), 269-286. https://doi.org/10.1287/msom.2023.0262
Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Khmelnitsky E. Flexible revenue-sharing contract in a platform-based supply chain under heterogeneous beliefs of the parties. Production and Operations Management (published online). https://doi.org/10.1177/1059147824131022
Book chapters
- Chernonog T (2018) First-Time Interaction under Revenue-Sharing Contract and Asymmetric Beliefs of Supply-Chain Members. In New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems (pp. 161-168). Springer, Cham.
Papers in conference proceedings
- Chernonog, T. (2018). First-Time Interaction Under Revenue-Sharing Contract and Asymmetric Beliefs of Supply-Chain. New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems: ODS, Taormina, Italy, September 10–13, 2018, 1, 161.
- Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2019) A multi-server queueing-inventory system with stock-dependent demand. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 671-676.
- Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2019) Revenue sharing contracts in a supply chain: a literature review. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 1578-1583.
Papers presented at scientific conferences
- Chernonog, T. Avinadav, T., Henig, M. I. (2012). Price Setting in a Single Selling Period with Various Risk Criteria. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Shnaiderman, M. and Chernonog. T. (2012). The Effects of Risk Aversion and Service Constraints on a Two-Period Newsvendor Policy with Postponed Pricing. INFORMS 2012 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
- Chernonog, T., Avinadav, T., Henig, M. I. (2013). Profit Criteria Involving Risk in Price Setting of Virtual Products. Proceedings of International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Malaga, Spain.
- Sherill-Rofe, D, Chernonog, T. (2013). Hospital – Sick Fund Contracting and Quality of Care: A Game Theoretical Approach. Proceedings of INFORMS Healthcare 2013 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il, USA.
- Avinadav, T, Chernonog, T, Perlman, Y. (2014). Analysis of Protection and Pricing Strategies for Digital Products under Uncertain Demand. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Sherill-Rofe, D, Chernonog, T. (2014). Hospital – Sick Fund Contracting and Quality of Care: A Game Theoretical Approach. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Perlman, Y., Chernonog, T. and Avinadav, T.(2015). Consignment contract for a supply chain of a single retailer and competitive manufacturers with different risk attitudes. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
- Chernonog, T, Perlman, Y. and Avinadav, T. (2015). The Effect of Risk Sensitivity on Supply Chain Management under a Consignment Contract with Revenue Sharing and Quality Investment. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
- Hanukov, G., Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., Spiegel, U. and Yechiali, U. (2015). "Utilization of server’s idle time for greater efficiency in queueing systems". Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
- Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., Lahav, Y. and Spiegel, U. (2015). Dynamic Pricing and Promotion Expenditures in an EOQ Model of Perishable Items. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
- Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T. and Ben-Zvi, T.(2015). Stochastic discrete time-cost problem (SDTCP) under the Target criterion. IIE Annual 2015, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
- Perlman, Y., Chernonog, T. and Avinadav, T. (2015). Consignment contract for a supply chain of a single retailer and competitive manufacturers with different risk attitudes. The 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, UK.
- Chernonog, T, Perlman, Y. and Avinadav, T. (2015). Consignment contract in a supply chain of mobile applications under risk consideration. The 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, UK.
- Chernonog, T. (invited speaker), Perlman, Y. and Avinadav, T. (2015). Coordination of a Supply Chain of Mobile Applications under Risk Consideration. The International Conference on Operations Research 2015 (OR2015), Vienna, Austria.
- Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T. and Ben-Zvi, T. (2016). Profit criteria involving risk in a supply chain of virtual products. International symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
- Hanukov, G., Avinadav, T., Chernonog, T., Spiegel, U. and Yechiali, U. (2016). Queueing Systems with Preliminary Services. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Perlman, Y., Avinadav, T. and Chernonog, T. (2016). The effect of risk aversion on mergers and acquisitions. Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Chernonog, T., Avinadav, T. and Ben-Zvi, T. (2016). Supply chain of virtual products: making marketing decisions under bi-criteria. The 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland.
- Perlman Y., Chernonog, T. and Avinadav, T. (2016). Mergers and acquisitions between risk averse parties. The 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland.
- Avinadav T. and Chernonog T. (2016). Pricing and advertising in a supply chain of perishable products under asymmetric information. The 19th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
- Chernonog T., Avinadav T. and Ben-Zvi T. (2016). How to set price and sales effort in a supply chain of virtual products under bi-criteria and risk consideration. The 19th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
- Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Spiegel U. amd Yechiali U. (2017). A queueing system with decomposed service and inventoried preliminary services. ORSIS National Meeting, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
- Goldberg N. and Chernonog T. (2017). New mathematical programming formulation for constrained multi-items newsvendor with extensions for display capacity constraint. ORSIS National Meeting, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
- Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Spiegel U. and Yechiali U. (2017). Queues with inventoried service. The POMS International Conference in Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Avinadav T. and Chernonog T. (2017). Pricing and advertising in a supply chain of perishable products under asymmetric information. The POMS International Conference in Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Goldberg N. and Chernonog T. (2017). New mathematical programming formulation for constrained multi-items newsvendor with extensions for display capacity constraint. The POMS International Conference in Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Kogan K., Avinadav T. and Chernonog T. (2017). "Supply chain equilibrium under two types of uncertainty: customers' demand and suppliers' lead-time". ECCOMAS Conference of Computational Modelling of Multi-Uncertainty and Multi-Scale Problems, Porto, Portugal.
- Chernonog T. (2017). Consignment Contract with Revenue Sharing in Online Retailing under Strategic Information Sharing. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA.
- Avinadav T., Chernonog T. and Perelman Y. (2017). Value of Information-sharing in a Supply Chain under a Revenue-sharing Contract. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA.
- Ben-Zvi T., Chernonog T. and Avinadav T. (2017). Two-state Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes with Imperfect Information. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA.
- Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Perlman Y., Meilijson I. (2018). Value of information-sharing and information accuracy in a supply chain under a revenue-sharing contract. ORSIS National Meeting, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
- Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2018). A queueing system with pre-prepared services and with tolerant and impatient customers. ORSIS National Meeting, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
- Gutterman Z., Chernonog T. (2018). A Supply Chain of Mobile Applications: Pricing and Quality Decisions in a Two-Sided Market. ORSIS National Meeting, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
- Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2018). Inventory and marketing policy in a supply chain of a perishable product under revenue sharing contract. International Conference of Industrial Logistics, Be′er-Sheva, Israel.
- Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2018). A Queueing System with Pre-Prepared Services and with Fastidious and Impatient Customers. European Conference on Queueing Theory, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2018). An EOQ model in a supply chain of a perishable product under a revenue sharing contract. The 20th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
- Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2018). Inventory and marketing policy in a supply chain of a perishable product under a wholesale price contract. The 20th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
- Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2018). A Service System with Inventory of Perishable Products and Customers who are Fastidious or Impatient. The 20th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
- Chernonog, T. (2018). First-time interaction under revenue-sharing contract and asymmetric beliefs of supply-chain members. International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science - ODS2018. Taormina, Italy.
- Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2019). “Revenue sharing contracts in a supply chain: a literature review”. ORSIS National Meeting, Shefayim, Israel.
- Chernonog T. (2019). “Inventory and marketing policy in a supply chain of a perishable product”. ORSIS National Meeting, Shefayim, Israel.
- Kogan, K., Chernonog T. (2019). “Competition under Industry-Stock-Driven Prevailing Market Price: Environmental Consequences and the Effect of Uncertainty”. ORSIS National Meeting, Shefayim, Israel.
- Hanukov G., Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Yechiali U. (2019). “A Multi-Server Queueing-Inventory System with Stock-Dependent Demand”. MIM 2019, Berlin, Germany.
- Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2019). “Revenue Sharing Contracts in a Supply Chain: A Literature Review”. MIM 2019, Berlin, Germany.
- Chernonog T. (2021). Supply chains of mobile apps: Competition, private labels and bypassing when the app’s quality is co-created. The 31st European Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece.
- Levy P., Chernonog T. (2021). The effect of market power structure on a two-platform supply chain when app-quality is co-created. The 31st European Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece.
- Chernonog T., Levy P. (2021) Two-platform supply chain with quality co-creation. ORSIS National Meeting, Haifa, Israel.
- Chernonog T. (2021). Supply chains of mobile apps: Competition, private labels and bypassing when the app’s quality is co-created. The 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Seoul, Korea.
- Levy P., Chernonog T. (2021). The effect of market power structure on a two-platform supply chain when app-quality is co-created. The 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Seoul, Korea.
- Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Shamir N. (2022). “Information Exchange between Platform and Sellers”. ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
- **Fine D., Chernonog T. (2022). “In-app advertising in a mobile apps supply chain”. ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
- **Kogan B., Chernonog T., Herbon, A. (2022). “FRCPSP considering diminishing marginal returns”. ORSIS National Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
- **Fine D., Chernonog T. (2022). “The effects of risk consideration on a supply chain of free mobile apps with in-app advertising”. The 32th European Conference on Operational Research, Helsinki, Finland.
- *Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2023). “Introducing fairness concerns in revenue-sharing contracts for virtual products”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 1-2, 2023.
- Hanukov G., Chernonog T. (2023). “Chat service in a multichannel system under competition where customers are boundedly rational”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- **Kogan B., Chernonog T., Herbon A. (2023). “Project scheduling of armored combat vehicle maintenance under flexible resource profiles and marginal diminishing returns”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Lahav Y., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023). “The effect of leadership on the supply chain of a perishable product”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Shamir N., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023). “Information Provision between a Platform and Competing Sellers: The Role of Strategic Ambiguity”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- **Switat S., Chernonog T. (2023). “Business coordination between vendors of complementary ERP software products: A game theoretic approach”. ORSIS National Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- *Bart N., Chernonog T., Avinadav T. (2023). “Introducing fairness concerns in revenue-sharing contracts for virtual products”. The POMS International Conference, Paris, France.
- Lahav Y., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023). “Leadership's effect on the supply chain of a perishable product”. The POMS International Conference in France, Paris, France.
- Shamir N., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023). “Information Provision between a Platform and Competing Sellers: The Role of Strategic Ambiguity”. The POMS International Conference, Paris, France.
- Lahav Y., Avinadav T., Chernonog T. (2023). "The effect of leadership on the supply chain of a perishable product". ODS International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, Ischia, Italy.
* — Doctoral student under my supervision/co-supervision.
** — MA student under my supervision/co-supervision.
Work in progress
- Avinadav T., Chernonog T., Perlman Y., Meilijson, I. “Commission schemes of revenue-sharing contract for online marketplace under information asymmetry".
- Chernonog T., & Levy P. “Omnichannel retailing—machine learning approach”.
- Chernonog T., & Goldberg N. “Assortment-constrained multi-product newsvendor: optimal product variety and stocking levels when display space is limited”.
- Chernonog T., & Hanukov, G. “Service chat system—multiphase customer-involved queueing model”.
- Chernonog T., Herbon A., & **Kogan B. “Project scheduling of armored combat vehicle maintenance under flexible resource profiles and marginal diminishing returns of the resource”.
Operations Research A
Operations Research B
Seminar (theoretical)
Advanced Research Tools
Research Areas
- Production and Operations Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Inventory Management
ISF 1448/17: A Novel Approach for Efficiency Improvement of Service Systems by Performing and Storing Preliminary Services (with Avinadav T., Yechiali U.). 303,000 NIS over 2017-2020.
ISF 1571/20: A Novel Approach to Business Agreement in a Supply Chain of Mobile Apps (with Avinadav T.). 333,000 NIS over 2020-2023.
Participation in Workshops
- Queueing Theory in Operations Research (YEQT), EURANDOM, Eindhoven, Netherlands, November 7-9, 2016.
Last Updated Date : 28/01/2025