Admission and registration for bachelor's degree studies in the Department of Management - ORT program -

Completion of a bachelor's degree for engineers: continuing studies for engineers, ORT program in Bar-Ilan

Admission and registration for bachelor's degree studies in the ORT program management department - all information is valid for students who began their studies at the ORT Preparatory School and will continue to study for a bachelor's degree in the following year only in logistics management / technology management tracks.  If the student does not continue in the following year for the bachelor's degree studies, there may be changes in the admission conditions, the study program, the program schedules (including the department courses, English courses, basic courses in Judaism, the Hebrew expression course) and the tuition fee.

  1. Logistics management track   
  2. Technology management track   

Please note, the information published on this website is updated from time to time. It is the responsibility of the candidates and students to follow the publications and make sure they have the most up-to-date information.

The information provided on these pages is based on the best data and estimates available to us. The university administration reserves the right to change and update at any time the information relating to admission to the university and studies in the preparatory schools in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the university and the authorized bodies.


Admission requirements - Bachelor's degree for engineers

Those eligible to be accepted and register for further studies for engineers for a bachelor's degree in the department of management in logistics management and technology management tracks are all candidates who met the conditions detailed below:

University admission conditions: 

  1. Completed engineering studies and no more than 5 years have passed since receiving the engineer's diploma (at least two years) in the majors: industry and management, electronics, software, electricity, machinery, civil engineering, as well as candidates who have completed engineering studies (at least two years) in majors approved by the preparatory committee.
  2. Students who have passed more than 5 years from the date of graduation of the engineering studies will have to present a continuous work experience form in the field - will be submitted to the exceptions committee and their acceptance can be considered.
  3. Achieve an advanced average of 80 or higher in the internal courses with all courses having a passing digital grade.
  4. For admission to logistics management and technology management courses - a passing grade (60) in all preparatory courses and a elaborate average of 78.  Regardless of the year in which the candidate was admitted to the completion studies at Ort colleges.
  5. *Score above 85 in the English section of psychometrics/Amir test/Amiram test/Amirant test and/or have studied an equivalent course in English accepted by the department of English as a foreign language at the university, and finished it with a score of 60 or higher.
  6. They are entitled to a matriculation certificate / "Machinat 30+" of Bar Ilan University with a score of 75 or higher (a student who has a non-Israeli matriculation certificate is required to transfer it along with a certificate from the Ministry of Education that the certificate is equivalent to a full upper elementary education / equivalent to matriculation).
  7. In matriculation, 4 units or more in the English subject with a grade of at least 56 must be presented, regardless of the year in which the candidate was accepted for the supplementary studies at Ort Colleges.
  8. Students with engineering diplomas and without a matriculation certificate - the engineering diploma will be considered a substitute for the matriculation certificate, but they will still have to complete 4 credits of English.
  9. Complete all duties as they signed when entering the preparatory school.

*We strongly recommend taking the Amir/M/Net exam as early as possible so that you can be evaluated for university studies.

Very important: the number of English courses at the various levels on behalf of the management department is extremely limited, therefore only students who present a score of 85 or higher in the Amir exam by July 2025 will receive priority in registering for English courses adjusted to the study hours and days of the courses in the first degree.

It is emphasized that in any case the English courses are beyond the study days and hours of the department courses in the first degree.

A student who presents the test score at Amir after July 2025, we will not be able to guarantee registration for English courses at adjusted hours at the university and may have to study English at another academic institution outside the university that is recognized by the English department as a foreign language at the university.

For your convenience, a number of important links are attached:

Link to the website of the National Center for Examinations and Assessment:

Link to the classification table for levels according to Amir's scores of the department of English as a foreign language at the university:

A candidate who meets all the conditions listed above can enroll in studies for the next year.

Registration for the bachelor's degree courses will end no later than September 1, 2025.

A candidate who submits an application after these dates is not guaranteed to be accepted by the department for the year .

It is hereby emphasized that submitting the application does not guarantee your admission to the university.

The announcement of admission to undergraduate studies will be given exclusively by the university's student admissions committee.

Registration for continuing studies for engineers

The admission and registration process for the study program is carried out through the university's website and is personal and carried out directly by each candidate.

The stages of registration for a bachelor's degree in engineering are as follows:

  1. Go to the university registration website.
  2. Choose a username, password and fill in your email address.
  3. You must select the course of study for which you have registered: "Management Department - Logistics Track" / "Management Department - Technology Management Track".
  4. You must fill out the application forms and pay the payment voucher for NIS 513.

It must be emphasized - at this stage, do not attach any additional documents! - Even if the system sends you a message regarding missing / non-original documents, do not attach any documents at this stage!

  1. At the end of the registration - you must send an email to the representative of the management department, Ms. Abigail Yohai at the email: with the confirmation of the payment you will receive (which includes personal details and a payment reference number) A candidate who does not send this confirmation, his application will not be processed!

After completing the registration, you will be included in the university registration system as new candidates for the year.

Pay attention! Since you belong to the ORT project, you may receive initial rejection letters. Only after you have completed all your obligations, as you signed them when you were admitted to the preparatory school, you will be sent a final acceptance letter together with a first payment voucher from the student admissions office confirming your admission to the course of study.

Candidates who will receive a letter of acceptance from the office for accepting students based on their basic data (baccalaureate + psychometric) will in any case be required to complete their duties as they signed when they were admitted to the preparatory school.

A candidate who does not complete his duties as detailed in the acceptance letter, and wishes to begin his studies at the university in the year will not be considered a student in the project, for all its conditions, the student will be considered a regular student at the university and will be subject to all university procedures that concern him by virtue of his status as a regular student.

For your attention, the registration for the courses will also be done online, and will only be done after receiving a final acceptance letter from the student admissions committee.

Below is information regarding the courses taught in the bachelor's degree programs for engineers - ORT:

List of courses

Highlights for all candidates:

  • The schedule at the university does not include English studies. The hours of the courses in English require attendance on additional days and hours, depending on the level of each student. The management department makes no commitment regarding the hours of the English courses and the semesters in which the English courses will be held.  The English courses at the basic level (85-99) will require arrival twice a week beyond the days and hours of the management department courses.
  • Detailed information regarding the curriculum for the summer semester, registration dates, etc. will be sent separately near the registration period for the summer semester.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, the summer semester in the ORT track takes place in the months of July - October, and does not correspond to the schedule of the summer semester at the university.
  • For your attention! In addition to the department's courses, all students are required to take basic courses in Judaism, courses in English (according to each student's personal level) and a course in Hebrew expression (according to each student's personal level).
  • A student admitted to the university must enroll in English courses for the first degree according to his level. Registration for the English courses is a condition for registration for the first degree courses in the management department, and it will not be possible to register for the department's courses before registration for the English courses at the university is made.
  • Students who started their studies before 2017 576 are required to take the exam in elementary studies in Judaism.
  • Registration for these courses and tests is the student's responsibility vis-à-vis the relevant units and university authorities.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, it is the responsibility of each student to check the study program, and the full registration for the courses they need to study.
  • The duration of studies in the ORT project is one year, which includes three consecutive semesters (first semester + second semester + summer semester - which takes place at the same time as the second semester exams and assignments).
  • Social security for the academic year is: 200%, subject to the university's procedures and the rules of the social security section.
  • The tuition fee does not include payment for the English courses and the Hebrew expression course.
  • Studying an advanced B course as part of summer courses is for a fee - detailed information on the amount of the tuition fee and the accompanying payments can be obtained in the special education section only.
  • A student who does not finish all of his duties by the end of the summer semester will be charged with an extra fee for extra credit and additional courses beyond what is written above.
  • It is hereby clarified that the presentation of an engineering diploma is a condition for graduation and receiving eligibility for a bachelor's degree. For the avoidance of doubt, a student who completes all his obligations in the first degree will not be able to receive confirmation of eligibility for the BA as long as he does not present the engineer's diploma.
  • citation grade of commendation for the degree is awarded at the university to students who have actually studied a minimum of 80 credits in the degree and have met the average required to receive honors as stated in the regulations of the registrar's office at the university. The university administration has decided that it will be possible to give a grade of commendation for the ORT track only to students whose preparatory studies and degree studies on campus together reach a total of 80 credits. Students whose engineering major is industry and management study 15 credits in preparatory school, and therefore in order to reach the required quota of 80 credits 2 credits are missing. In accordance with all of the above, only students who actually studied at the preparatory school for more than 15 credits (they also studied one of the following courses at the preparatory school: Introduction to Probability/Introduction to Stat B) will be eligible for the option of receiving honors in the degree if they meet the required average according to the rules of the Registrar's Office.

Important note: Students must update themselves daily with the announcements published on the website of the Department of Management.

Courses in the logistics track - engineers of all majors

(Not final - there may be changes)

In the academic year: (1st semester + 2nd semester)


Research methods and data analysis

3 references


Integrated logistics support

3 references


The basics of financing

2 references

0030 Operations and production management 3 references
011 Introduction to Python programming 3 references


Procurement basics

3 references

028 Transport and conveyance (the course is held in English) 3 references
046 Artificial intelligence applications in the supply chain 2 references


Making decisions under conditions of uncertainty

2 references


Research seminar

4 references




Theoretical seminar


4 references

020 Theories and applications in economics 3 references
199 Obligation to present an engineering diploma as a condition for receiving the first degree  
  Study tour in the industry  


Judaism course (interpreted)

4 references


Judaism course (interpreted)

4 references


Judaism course (interpreted)

4 references

The second summer semester takes place in the months of July-October 

078 Legal aspects in logistics 2 references
008 'Performance research b 3 references
032 Project management 3 references
012 Basics of supply chain management - computerized 3 references


Applications of logistics information systems (the course is held in English)

3 references

066 R language management data science 2 references
* For the avoidance of doubt, the summer semester in the bachelor's degree track of continuing studies for engineers - ORT, takes place in the months of July - October, and does not correspond to the schedule of the summer semester at the university.
The summer semester takes place at the same time as exams and second semester assignments.


Courses in the technology management track - engineers of all majors

(not final - changes may occur)

In the academic year: (1st semester + 2nd semester)


Research methods and data analysis

3 references


Theoretical seminar

4 references

030 Operation and production management - computerized 3 references
222 Management of technological projects 3 references
011 Introduction to programming in the Python environment 3 references


Research and development management (the course is held in English)

3 references


Technology management 1

3 references


Technology management 2

3 references
233 Introduction to artificial intelligence 3 references


Research seminar in technology management

4 references

231 Cyber ​​defense and intelligence management - computerized 3 references
199 The obligation to present an engineering diploma as a condition for receiving the first degree  
  Study tour in the industry  


Judaism course (interpreted)

4 references


Judaism course (interpreted)

4 references


Judaism course (interpreted)

4 references

The second summer semester takes place in the months of July - October

190 The basics of financing 2 references
221 Financial management in technology companies 3 references


Performance Research B

3 references

234 Creative artificial intelligence 2 references


Business intelligence

3 references

228 Legal aspects in technology management (the course is held in English) - computerized 2 references
* For the avoidance of doubt, the summer semester in the Ort track takes place in the months of July - October, and does not correspond to the schedule of the summer semester at the university.
The summer semester takes place at the same time as exams and second semester assignments.


For more information on completing a bachelor's degree for engineers in Ort or to enroll in further studies for engineers in Bar-Ilan, contact us today and we will get back to you as soon as possible.