Completion studies (preparatory) in preparation for studies in the Department of Ort Program Management

Information about supplementary studies for engineers - a preparatory course for engineers in preparation for studies in the ORT program in the Bar-Ilan management department:

Completion studies (preparatory) in preparation for studies in the ORT program management department - all information is valid for students who began their studies at the ORT preparatory school and will continue to study for a bachelor's degree the following year in logistics management / technology management tracks only. If the student does not continue in the following year for the first degree studies, there may be changes in the study program and admission conditions.

on the preparatory school

Acceptance conditions

List of courses

Exemptions for industry and management graduates

Exemptions for graduates of the other majors

Conditions for approval of the recognition in the grade sheet of engineers

Information regarding accommodations for learning disabilities

Please note, the information published on this website is updated from time to time. It is the responsibility of the candidates and students to follow the publications and make sure they have the most up-to-date information.

The information provided on these pages is based on the best data and estimates available to us. The university management reserves the right to change and update at any time the information relating to admission and studies in preparatory schools in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the university and the authorized bodies.

about the preparatory school for engineers

The Engineering Preparatory School is intended for engineers who have graduated up to 5 years from the date of graduation and for students who are studying for an engineering degree in morning or evening courses in a combined course in their second year of study, who wish to be admitted to a complete bachelor's degree program at Bar-Ilan University in logistics or technology management courses in the Department of Management.

Candidates with engineering diplomas over 5 years old will be referred to the Exceptions Committee and their acceptance may be considered based on their continuous practical experience in the field.

As part of the preparatory course, courses are taught at the various Ort colleges. The curriculum in the preparatory school is the same for both tracks: logistics and technology management.

A candidate who wishes to be admitted to the program and meets the required admission conditions, must submit the admission documents to the management of the colleges where the preparatory courses are held.

Only graduates and students of the following majors may register for both tracks:

Industry and management, electronics, software, electricity, machinery, civil engineering.

Graduates and students of various engineering majors can submit an application to be admitted to the completion program (preparatory studies), but their candidacy will be reviewed by the exceptions committee.

Admission to engineering preparatory studies in accordance with the university's policies and guidelines is the responsibility of the management of Ort Colleges.

The opening of the preparatory school is conditional on the required number of students and the decisions of Bar-Ilan University.

Admission conditions for the preparatory school for engineers

Deadline for admission to preparatory school - September 30.

The conditions for admission to the preparatory school for engineers and the documents required for the preparatory studies will be as follows:

  • Eligibility for a matriculation certificate. Applicants without a high school diploma who are over the age of 30 will be given the opportunity to study in the "30+ Preparatory School" of Bar Ilan University only and graduate with an average of at least 75, until August 31st of the preparatory year. For the avoidance of doubt, applicants under the age of 30 who do not have a matriculation certificate, must show eligibility for a matriculation certificate by the end of April of the preparatory year. As a result of this, these candidates must take the winter matriculation at the latest!
  • 4 credits in English in the matriculation certificate with a score of at least 56. Regardless of the year in which the candidate was accepted for the supplementary studies at Ort colleges.

Candidates with 3 credits (on the matriculation certificate) in English will be required to complete 4 units of English preparatory school, from the dedicated preparatory schools at Bar-Ilan University.

  • Students with an engineering diploma and without a matriculation certificate - the engineering diploma will be considered a substitute for the matriculation certificate, but they will still be required to complete 4 credits of English within the dedicated preparatory courses at Bar Ilan University in the summer semester before being accepted for the degree.
  • A score of 85 or higher in the English section of the psychometrics/Amir test or a score of 185 in the Amir. It must be accessed by July of the preparatory year.
  • We strongly recommend taking the Amir exam as early as possible - and no later than June of the preparatory year.

    Very important: the number of English courses at the various levels on behalf of the management department is extremely limited, therefore only students who present a score of 85 or higher in the Amir exam by July 2025 will receive priority in registering for English courses adjusted to the study hours and days of the courses in the first degree.

  • It is emphasized that in any case the English courses are beyond the study days and hours of the department courses in the first degree.

    A student who presents the test score at the Amir after July 2025, we will not be able to guarantee for him registration for English courses at adjusted hours at the university and may have to study English in the general courses of the unit for English as a foreign language at the university that are not associated with the ORT program.

    For your convenience, a number of important links are attached:

    Link to the website of the National Center for Examinations and Assessment:

    Link to the classification table for levels according to Amir's scores of the department of English as a foreign language at the university:

Candidates who did not achieve a score of 85 in the Amir/M/NET test, must take an English course at Bar Ilan University through the university's English as a Foreign Language department. The course must be taken in the summer semester before the start of studies for the bachelor's degree and only after completing it with a passing score (with a score of 60), will they be eligible to register for the academic year at the university.

  • Graduate engineers: a weighted average of at least 80 in the internal courses in the engineer track, when all courses have a passing digital grade - a grade sheet + diploma must be attached
  • Engineers studying: engineering studies must be a minimum of two years. Grade sheet of the first year in the engineering studies with an average of 80. These candidates will undertake to meet an average of at least 80 at the end of the engineering studies before being admitted to the university when all courses have a passing digital grade.

At the time of admission to the preparatory studies for engineers, the candidate must sign a statement that he knows that he will not be able to be admitted to the university if he has not met all the admission conditions. Returning the statement with the student's signature is a mandatory condition for admission to the preparatory school!

Students who completed engineering studies outside the ORT network will be assigned by the college to one of the majors and their eligibility data and exemptions will be examined accordingly.

Questions and clarifications on the subject of admission and studies for the Engineering Preparatory School will be directed by the students to the college administrations only and not to the representatives of the management department at Bar Ilan University.

List of courses

Detail of the preparatory courses for the industry and management major*:

Introduction to microeconomics-3 credits

Introduction to macroeconomics -  3 credits

Management of inventory systems - 3 credits

Management of logistics systems - 3 credits

Performance research A. - 3 credits

Total - 15 credits

Preparatory courses for majors other than the Industry and management major:

Introduction to microeconomics - 3 credits

Introduction to macroeconomics - 3 credits

Management of inventory systems - 3 credits

Management of logistics systems - 3 credits

Performance research A. -3 credits

Total 20 credits
As part of the preparatory studies, a student can be tested on the first and / or second dates only, there are no third dates and exceptional approvals will not be given!
Exemptions from preparatory courses will not be granted based on previous academic studies.

* A grade of commendation for the degree is awarded by the university to students who have actually studied a minimum of 80 credits (40 hours) in the degree and have met the average required to receive honors as stated in the regulations of the registrar's office at the university. The management of the university has decided that it will be possible to give a grade of commendation to the ORT track only to students whose preparatory studies And the degree studies on campus will reach a total of 80 credits (40 Students whose engineering major is industry and management study 15 credits (7.5 credits) in preparatory school, and therefore in order to reach the required quota of 80 credits (40 credits) 2 credits are missing ( 1 hour).

In accordance with all of the above, we would like to inform you that students majoring in industry and management, who are studying in the preparatory school and are interested in the option of receiving an honors grade in the future, have the option of choosing to study in addition one of the two courses available at the end of the preparatory school, Introduction to State B in the scope of 3 credits (1.5 credits) or Introduction to Probability in the scope of 2 credits (1 credits) in order to increase the scope of preparatory studies from 15 credits ( 7.5 NIS) for at least 17 credits (8.5 NIS). It will be emphasized that if the students choose this option, the additional course will be included in the average of the preparatory school for admission to the university. (average 75).

For more information on the subject of a preparatory school for engineers in the Department of Ort Program Management, contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Exemptions for industry and management graduates

Engineering graduates in the majors authorized to study the program are entitled to exemptions in various subjects due to previous studies. A student who does not meet all the conditions for exemption, must complete the missing subjects in the required amount of hours, by the end of June of the preparatory year. It is hereby emphasized that it will not be possible to complete the subjects at the same time as the academic year at the university.

Completion of the subjects is a mandatory condition for admission to study at the university.

Graduates of engineering studies for this purpose are engineers with diplomas, and those who have completed their studies but have not yet received a diploma.

The structure of the exemptions for the industry and management major:

  • Mathematics - based on an aggregate connection of the mathematics subjects in the scope of at least 96 hours, an exemption of 5 credits (2.5 s.h.) is granted in the mathematics subjects for social sciences 1 + 2 (004+005).
  • Administrative Information Systems/Information Technology Management - based on an aggregate connection of information systems professions, in the scope of at least 48 hours, an exemption of 3 credits (1.5 shs) is granted in the subject of Administrative Information Systems/Information Technology Management (051/220).
  • Introduction to Statistics A+B + Introduction to Probability - Based on the probability and statistics course of at least 128 hours, an exemption of 8 credits (4 s.h.) is granted from the courses Intro to Statistics A+B + Introduction to Probability (002+003+006).
  • Elective and general subjects - automatic exemption for studies of the major in the scope of at least 340 hours gives an exemption in the scope of 26 credits (13 s.h.).

The aggregate connection is made only on subjects with a score of 55 or higher!

It is hereby clarified that students who have been admitted to the first degree for Ort courses at the university do not have additional exemptions for academic studies or other studies, beyond the exemptions mentioned above.

Exemptions for graduates of the other majors

The structure of exemptions for graduates of majors: electronics, software, electricity, machinery, civil engineering.

Engineering graduates in the majors authorized to study the program are entitled to exemptions in various subjects due to previous studies. A student who does not meet all the conditions for exemption, must complete the missing subjects in the required amount of hours, by the end of June of the preparatory year. It is hereby emphasized that it will not be possible to complete the subjects at the same time as the academic year at the university.

Completion of the subjects is a mandatory condition for admission to study at the university.

Graduates of engineering studies for this purpose are engineers with diplomas, and those who have completed their studies but have not yet received a diploma.

The structure of the exemptions for majors that are not Industry and management:

  • Mathematics - based on an aggregate composition of the mathematics subjects in the scope of at least 96 hours, which grants an exemption in the scope of 5 credits (2.5 shs) in the mathematics subjects for social sciences 1 + 2 (004+005).
  • Administrative Information Systems/Information Technology Management - based on an aggregate connection of information systems professions, in the scope of at least 48 hours, which grants an exemption of 3 credits (1.5 shs) in the subject of Administrative Information Systems/Information Technology Management (051/220).
  • Statistics A - based on an aggregate composition of a statistics subject of at least 48 hours which grants an exemption of 3 credit hours (1.5 sh) in the subject of Statistics A. (002)
  • Elective and general subjects - automatic exemption for the studies of the major in the scope of at least 340 hours which grant an exemption in the scope of 26 credits (13 s.h.).

The aggregate connection is made only on subjects with a score of 55 or higher!

It is hereby clarified that students who have been admitted to the first degree for Ort courses at the university do not have additional exemptions for academic studies or other studies, beyond the exemptions mentioned above.

Conditions for approval of the recognition in the grade sheet of engineers

Refers to all majors unless otherwise noted:

  • The grade sheet must include the names of the courses, the number of hours in them and a positive digital grade. If an 'exemption' is indicated in one of the compulsory courses, a grade sheet must be attached as a reference for the exemption, including the number of hours in that subject.
  • The score sheet must be perfect and not partial.
  • The candidate is responsible for checking every year with the college representatives if there have been any changes in the study program at the university and if there are any updates to the exemptions accordingly.
  • Candidates joining the project in the second year will submit their study plan in the second year in engineering that will include the courses that grant an exemption at the university as detailed in the exemption table above.
  • The exemptions are on an individual basis.
  • If necessary, the college advisors, in coordination with the office for administrative coordination, will build for the candidate a completion plan for the missing courses and/or for missing exams and sign the candidate that he must complete them and present them by August of the preparatory year. This document will be attached to the acceptance notice for the preparatory school that will be given by the management of Ort Colleges.

Information regarding accommodations for learning disabilities

As part of the preparatory year only, all adjustments from tests given by the MHT as part of the engineers will apply to the students of the preparatory school. For the avoidance of doubt, the adjustments given in the preparatory school will not be given at the university stage. A student who wishes to request approval for adjustments may contact the social engagement unit at the university for a request to receive adjustments. Contact the social engagement unit before studying in the first summer at the university (at the beginning of May).

For more information on the subject of a preparatory school for engineers in the Department of Ort Program Management, contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.