Prof. Racheli Magnezi
Degree |
Institution |
Year |
Ph.D. |
Department of Health Systems Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev |
2004 |
M.H.A |
Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University |
1996 |
M.B.A. |
School of Business Administration, Bar Ilan University |
1993 |
B.A. |
Academic College of Management Studies, Tel Aviv |
1989 |
Outsourcing Healthcare Services for Career Soldiers |
Prof. Haim Reuveni, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Racheli Magnezi, PhD is the manager of the Public Health and Health Systems Management Program in the Management Department at Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel. Dr. Magnezi earned a BA in Business Administration from the College of Management, and a Masters in Business Administration from the School of Business Administration at Bar Ilan University. She has also taken continuing education courses in Health Systems Management at the Faculty of Management at Tel Aviv University. Dr. Magnezi received her PhD from Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Dr. Magnezi’s PhD thesis involved the relationship between consumption, financial cost and quality of health services for career soldiers. Dr. Magnezi has published scientific articles in leading national and international journals, including Health Policy, American Journal of Managed Care, Plos One and the Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Dr. Magnezi edited "The Economic and Social Aspects of the Health System in Israel" (in collaboration with Prof. Gabi Bin Nun). This book is used as instructional material in all Health Systems Management Programs in Israel. In addition, she was actively involved in shaping health policy of the IDF Medical Corps for many years, primarily in outsourcing arrangements with the Health Care Funds. Dr. Magnezi’s publications on this topic led to practical and conceptual changes in the provision of medical services to soldiers. This work received an Award of Excellence from the Director of the Ministry of Health. Dr. Magnezi's essay on the subject was published in the leading journal in its field.
In recent years, Dr. Magnezi’s research has focused on the areas of detecting and treating depression in the community, and on the effect of depression and other chronic diseases on employment, and their influence on employee productivity. Dr. Magnezi has managed several joint research projects with the National Healthcare Funds in Israel that optimize the ability to identify patients with depression and treat them in the community. Dr. Magnezi is also a leading partner in a research group that is studying the association between depression, taking antidepressants and traffic accidents. Future research is planned which will examine the relationship between traffic accidents and other ailments. Additionally, Dr. Magnezi is investigating postpartum depression. Her pilot study examining this issue, the first ever, was among Bedouin women. A paper investigating postpartum depression among ultra-orthodox women has been submitted for publication. Last year, in collaboration with researchers, Dr. Magnezi investigated postpartum depression from the aspects of health services utilization.
With the integration of social health networks and the health care system, Dr. Magnezi has presented several studies on the impact of the Internet and social networks on the chronically ill, with an emphasis on patients’ personal responsibility for their health care, to improve quality of life and satisfaction. These studies have been published in leading journals.
In summary, Dr. Magnezi’s research focuses on developing and promoting health policy, primarily from the perspectives of economics, utilization of health services and organizational impacts.
Fields of interest
Racheli Magnezi, PhD is the manager of the Public Health and Health Systems Management Program in the Management Department at Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel. Dr. Magnezi earned a BA in Business Administration from the College of Management, and a Masters in Business Administration from the School of Business Administration at Bar Ilan University. She has also taken continuing education courses in Health Systems Management at the Faculty of Management at Tel Aviv University. Dr. Magnezi received her PhD from Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Dr. Magnezi’s PhD thesis involved the relationship between consumption, financial cost and quality of health services for career soldiers. Dr. Magnezi has published scientific articles in leading national and international journals, including Health Policy, American Journal of Managed Care, Plos One and the Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Dr. Magnezi edited "The Economic and Social Aspects of the Health System in Israel" (in collaboration with Prof. Gabi Bin Nun). This book is used as instructional material in all Health Systems Management Programs in Israel. In addition, she was actively involved in shaping health policy of the IDF Medical Corps for many years, primarily in outsourcing arrangements with the Health Care Funds. Dr. Magnezi’s publications on this topic led to practical and conceptual changes in the provision of medical services to soldiers. This work received an Award of Excellence from the Director of the Ministry of Health. Dr. Magnezi's essay on the subject was published in the leading journal in its field.
In recent years, Dr. Magnezi’s research has focused on the areas of detecting and treating depression in the community, and on the effect of depression and other chronic diseases on employment, and their influence on employee productivity. Dr. Magnezi has managed several joint research projects with the National Healthcare Funds in Israel that optimize the ability to identify patients with depression and treat them in the community. Dr. Magnezi is also a leading partner in a research group that is studying the association between depression, taking antidepressants and traffic accidents. Future research is planned which will examine the relationship between traffic accidents and other ailments. Additionally, Dr. Magnezi is investigating postpartum depression. Her pilot study examining this issue, the first ever, was among Bedouin women. A paper investigating postpartum depression among ultra-orthodox women has been submitted for publication. Last year, in collaboration with researchers, Dr. Magnezi investigated postpartum depression from the aspects of health services utilization.
With the integration of social health networks and the health care system, Dr. Magnezi has presented several studies on the impact of the Internet and social networks on the chronically ill, with an emphasis on patients’ personal responsibility for their health care, to improve quality of life and satisfaction. These studies have been published in leading journals.
In summary, Dr. Magnezi’s research focuses on developing and promoting health policy, primarily from the perspectives of economics, utilization of health services and organizational impacts
BOOKS (as editor)
- G. Bin Nun, R. Magnezi (2010). Economic and Social Aspects of Israel's Healthcare System. ISBN 978-965-555-5111-0. Tel Aviv: Zisman-Shiber, 425 pages.
- R. Magnezi, H. Reuveni (2010). Economic and Social Aspects of Israel's Healthcare System. In G. Bin Nun, R. Magnezi (Eds.), Health Economics in: Outsourcing as a tool for cost containment in healthcare systems, (pp. 76-94). Tel Aviv: Zisman-Shiber
- R. Magnezi, S. Reicher, M. Shani (2010). Economic and Social Aspects of Israel's Healthcare System. In G. Bin Nun, R. Magnezi (Eds.) Quality in Health services. Disease Management as a method for improving quality of life. (pp.373-389).
- L. Korn, R. Magnezi (2011). Public Health Year Book. Knowledge and attitudes toward anorexia nervosa and self body image among young and older women in Israel, (pp. 255-266).
- R. Levy, M. Wiener, B. Rosen, B. Gabbay (1993). The employment of civilian dentists in the Israeli Defense Forces: Public-Private Mix case study, Journal of Management in Medicine, 7, pp. 15-23. (Name of Journal was changed to Journal of Health, Organization and Management).
- R. Levy, B. Rosen, M. Wiener, J. Mann (1996). The remuneration of dentists in a special project of the Israeli Defense Forces, Journal of Management in Medicine, 10, pp. 53-58. (Name of Journal was changed to Journal of Health, Organization and Management).
- R. Levy, M. Cohen (1996). Efficiency in Israel Defense Forces dental labs: assessing the need for privatizing publicly provided service. Military Medicine, 161, pp. 43-47.
- Sagie, R. Magnezi (1997). Assessor type, number of dimension categories and assessment centers construct validity. Journal of Occupational and Organization Psychology, 70, pp. 103-108.
- M. Mark, R. Magnezi, O. Luxenburg, M. Siebzehner, J. Shemer (1999). Clozapine in the treatment of schizophrenia, Harefuah, 137, pp.185-188.
- R. Magnezi, R. Kedem, H. Reuveni (2004). Outsourcing of primary care: satisfaction level in the Israeli Defense Forces, Military Medicine, 169, pp. 379-384.
- R. Magnezi, I. Ashkenazi (2005). Financial management using a computerized system for evaluating health care invoices, Military Medicine, 270, pp. 121-124.
- R. Magnezi, R. Dankner, M. Shani, Y. Levy, I. Ashkenazi, H Reuveni (2005). Comparison of health care services for career soldiers throughout the world, Military Medicine, 170, pp. 995-998.
- R. Magnezi, R. Dankner, R. Kedem, H. Reuveni (2006). Outsourcing primary medical care in Israeli defense forces: decisionn-makers' versus clients' perspectives, Health Policy, 78, pp.1-7.
- R. Magnezi, Y. Weiss, Y.Cohen, A. Shmueli (2007). Development of a capitation scale for IDF career soldiers in Israel, Health Policy, 80, pp. 459-464.
- Zrihen, G. Lubin, I. Ashkenazi, R. Magnezi (2007). The cost of preventing stigma by hospitalizing soldiers in a general hospital instead of a psychiatric hospital, Military Medicine, 172, pp. 686-689.
- Hosiosky, Y. Weiss, R. Magnezi (2007). Managing health and finance: Challenges, outcome and control in the Israel Defense Forces, Military Medicine, 172, pp. 1186-1190
- R. Magnezi, R. Dankner, R. Kedem, H. Reuveni (2007). Various contract settings and their impact on the cost of medical services, Journal of Royal Army Med Corps, 153, pp. 22-25.
- R. Magnezi, S. Reicher, M. Shani (2008). Economic Value Evaluation in Disease Management Programs, IMAJ, 10, 331-334.
- L. Korn, R. Magnezi (2008). Cigarette and nargila (water pipe) use among Israeli Arab High School students: prevalence and determinants of tobacco smoking, The Scientific World Journal, 8, pp. 517-525.
- R. Magnezi, R. Kedem, H. Reuveni (2008). Outsourcing medical services for career women: Satisfaction, utilization and cost. Journal of Health Care Finance, 35, pp. 54-62.
- L. Korn, R. Magnezi (2009). Knowledge and attitudes toward anorexia nervosa and self-body image among young and older women in Israel, International Public Health Journal, 1, 215-224
- R. Magnezi, L. Elzam, Y. Kliker, R. Kedem, G. Fire, R. Wilf-Miron (2010). Cost awareness when prescribing treatment, British Journal of Health Care Management, 16, pp. 62-70.
- B. Rahimi, R. Mizrahi, R. Magnezi (2011).The challenges and opportunities of implementing outsourcing in private and public hospital in Israel, Harefua,150, pp. 56-60 .
- S. Glasser, E. Stoski, V. Kneler, R. Magnezi (2011). Postpartum depression among Israeli Beduin women, Archives of Women's Mental Health, 14, pp. 203-208.
- R. Magnezi, L. Korn, H. Reuveni (2011). The use of outsourcing of Israeli Medical Centers,International Public Health Journal, 4, pp. 383-396
- R. Magnezi, G. Kaufman, A. Ziv, O. Kalter-Leibovici, H. Reuveni (2013). Barriers to and benefits of disease management programs, American Journal of Managed Care.19(4):e140-e147
- R. Magnezi, S. Glasser, H. Shalev, A. Sheiber, H. Reuveni (2014). Patient activation, depression and quality of life. Patient Education and Counseling, 94(3), pp. 432-437.
- R. Magnezi, Y.S. Bergman, D. Grosberg (2014). Online activity and participation in treatment affects the perceived efficacy of social health networks among patients with chronic illness. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(1):e12.
- R. Magnezi, D. Grosberg, I. Novikov, A. Ziv, M. Shani, L.S. Freedman (2014). Characteristics of patients seeking health information online via social health networks versus general Internet sites: a comparative study. Informatics for Health and Social Care 1, pp. 1-14.
- E. Horowitz, L.C. Bergman, C. Ashkenazy, I. Moscona, H. Grinvald- Fogel, R. Magnezi, (2014). Off-label use of sodium valproate for schizophrenia. PLoS One. 9(3) e92573. doi:10.1371
- R. Magnezi, L.C. Bergman, S. Urowitz. (2014) . Would your patient prefer to be considered your friend? Patient preferences in physician relationships. Health Education and Behavior DOI: 10.1177/1090198114547814.
- R. Magnezi, S. Glassr Psychometric Properties of the Hebrew Translation of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM-13) (2014). PLoS One; 9(11):e113391
- T. Ebert, Y. Zolotov, R. Magnezi, Assessment of Israeli Physicians' Knowledge, Experience and Attitudes towards Medical Cannabis. (2015) IMAJ. 7, 437-441
- O. Heler Hayun, L. Korn, R. Magnezi, Health Management Studies: A gap between the acquired knowledge in academia and the required knowledge in the graduates' workplaces. Accepted for publication in IJAMH (International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health) - Accepted for publication
- R.Magnezi, L.C. Bergman, H. Grinvold-Fogel, H.A. Cohen. Energy Drink, Alcohol and Mixed Energy Drink Consumption in a Sample of Israeli Youth. Accepted for publication in The Israel Journal of Health Policy Research
- Y. Zolotov, Y. Baruch, H. Reuveni, R. Magnezi, Adherence and Patient Activation (PAM) to Medical Cannabis Use among Licensed Patients in Israel: A Pilot Study, Accepted for publication in The Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research Journal
- A. Sagie, R. Magnezi (1995). Psychologists versus managers as assessor in assessment centers: An empirical test of construct validity, The 25th Annual Conference of the Israeli Psychological Association, Beer Sheba, Israel
- A. Sagie, R. Magnezi (1996). The assessment centers validity, The 7th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Human Resources, Zichron Yaakov, Israel
- R.Magnezi (2002). Computerized system for control, follow-up and analysis of medical accounts received by hospitals – application and lessons in the Medical Corps, Annual Meeting of the Israel Association for Medical Information – Computers in Medicine – Assessing Balance, Tel Aviv, Israel
- R. Magnezi, R. Dankner, R. Kedem, H. Reuveni (2006) Cost Advantage of Outsourcing Healthcare for Career Soldiers, 5th International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy, June 5-7, Athens, Greece
- R. Magnezi, Y. Weiss, Y. Cohen, A. Shmueli (2006). Development of capitation scale for IDF career soldiers in Israel, 6th European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE), July 6-9, Budapest, Hungary
- N. Alfandari, G. Fire, A.Kahan, M.Wishnia, R.Magnezi (2006). Developing and managing quality systems and applying international regulations in the military healthcare system, 16th International Conference of the Israel Association for Quality, Quality as an Accelerator of Global Cooperation, November 14-16, Tel Aviv, Israel
- R. Magnezi (2008). Outsourcing as an incentive for improving efficiency and growth in the public healthcare system, 2nd Ariel Conference of Health, Where is Medicine Heading in Israel? Private versus Public Medicine, March 13, Knesset, Jerusalem
- L. Korn, S. Mandel, R. Magnezi (2008). Knowledge and attitudes toward anorexia nervosa among young and adult women in Israel, 8th IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion and Education, September 9-13, Turin, Italy.
- B. Rahimi, R. Mizrachi, R. Magnezi (2009). The challenges and opportunities in outsourcing in public and private hospitals in Israel, The 11th Annual Congress of the National Council for Logistics in Healthcare Systems, April 2-4, Shefayim, Israel
- R.Magnezi, L. Korn, R. Imbar, O. Tal (2009). Nurses standpoints towards integrating economic considerations in medical treatment, The 16th Annual National Meeting of Nurses in Israel, Tel Aviv
- R. Magnezi, G. Fire (2009). Medical resource management and control systems, 8th International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy, June 29-30, July 1-2, Athens, Greece
- R. Magnezi, L. Korn, O.Tal (2009). The attitude of registered nurses to integrating economic considerations in medical care, IHEA 7th World Congress on Health Economy, July 13-15, Beijing, China
- L. Korn, R.Magnezi (2009). Anorexia Nervosa: Differences in self perception of body image among older and younger age group women in Israel, first Asian-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education (APHPA), July 18-20, Makuhai Mess, Chiba City, Japan
- R. Magnezi, G. Kauffman, A. Ziv, H. Reuveni, O. Kalter Leibovich (2011). Disease Management Programs (DMP) – Who needs them and what are the barriers that affect decision makers?, 8th iHEA World Congress July 10-13 Toronto, Canada
- L. Korn, O. Heller-Hayon, R. Magnezi (2013). Health Management Studies: A gap between the acquired knowledge in academia and the required knowledge in the graduates' workplaces, 21th IUPHE World Conference on Health Promotion, 25-29 August, Pattaya, Thailand.
- R. Magnezi, Y.S. Bergman, D. Grosberg (2013). The Role of Chronically Ill Patients' Active Participation in Their Treatment and Online Involvement in Determining Perceived Efficacy of Social Health Networks. Medicine 2.0: Social Media Mobile Apps, and Internet/Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine and Biomedical Research, London, England.
- E. Horowitz, O. Katz, S.L. Korem, R. Magnezi (2013). Pediatricians’ Perception of Quality of Life in Children with Chronic Diseases. The 6th Annual Conference of the Israeli Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR-Israel) Dan Accadia Hotel in Herzliya on April 24-25, 2013.
- Y. Zolotov, T. Ebert, S. Eliav, O. Ginzburg, I. Shapira, R. Magnezi (2015), Adherence to medical cannabis among licensed patients in Israel, 7th European Workshop on Cannabinoid Research and IACM 8th Conference on Cannabinoids in Medicine, 17-19 September 2015, Sestri Levante, Italy
- R. Magnezi, Y. Bergman, D. Grosberg (2015). How do social health networks affect patients involvement among those with chronic illness, 143rd annual meeting & expo, American public health association, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2015, Chicago, IL
- O. Ben-Aharon, O. Shavit, R. Magnezi (2015) Evaluation of Associations between Drug Price-Regulation & National Reimbursement Mechanisms and Healthcare Expenditure in Selected Countries, The 8 th Annual Conference of the Israeli Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR-Israel Regional Chapter), April 29-30, 2015, Dan Accadia Hotel, Herzliya
1. BA students in Health Management – Health economics, budgetary and cost accounting and control of finances, contracts and contacts in the healthcare system, seminar counseling.
2. MBA students in Business Administration – Planning and control in health organizations.
- MHA and Ph.D. students: Health Care science, Health economics, Public health policy, Thesis and seminar counseling Ph.D.
- Executive Courses in Health Systems for Managers in "Maccabi" Healthcare Services
Last Updated Date : 04/11/2024