Kremer Inbar

קורות חיים

               BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY                                                       FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES

Department of Management


Name: Inbar Kremer



2003 – 2008             PHD, children's clinical psychology, Bar-Ilan University.

   Thesis: Differences between the Body Image and Mental Pain Experiences of Victims of Sexual Abuse as Compared to Victims of Physical Abuse

Supervisor: Professor Israel Orbach

2000-2002                M.A., children's clinical psychology, magna cum laude, Bar-Ilan University.

1997-2000                B.A., psychology and sociology, summa cum laude, Bar-Ilan University.



2003-2004                lecturer of developmental psychology, Nursing School, Wolfson Medical Center.

2001-2006                Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Psychology (BA), Bar-Ilan University. In the course of my work, I taught several courses, among them:

- Statistics course;

- Seminar on the subject of physical and sexual abuse, in the course of which I instructed students on how to write an academic paper in accordance with the APA rules;

- Laboratory on the subject of body image, in the course of which I instructed students on how to prepare a research report.

2008-2010            Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Dept. of Social Sciences

2010-present    Lecturer, Department of Management.

Practical Work Experience:

2004 – 2014             Internship at mental health facility for the city of Hertzlia, children's team (part-time, 50%). I was employed there as a clinical psychologist (part-time 50%).

2007-2010     clinical psychologist in privet clinic. Clinical therapy whit children, adolescents, adults and also couples therapy.

2006 – 2007             Internship at "Abarbanel" Hospital for mental health, closed children's ward (part-time, 50%).

2000 – 2003             Practicum (clinic), Bar-Ilan University

2001 – 2002             Practicum at mental health clinic for children and young adults, "Geha" Hospital.

2000 – 2001             Educational training at Emergency Psychological Services, Kfar-Saba.

1998 – 2000             Volunteer at closed ward for children and young adults, "Geha" Hospital, as a social instructor and research assistant for Professor Allan After.



Submission to Competitive Foundations:

2011 – ERA-AGE 2 (EU): Improving the physical, cognitive and  behavioral functioning of elderly road users: a cross-cultural study.

.2012- ISF- Advice and Decision-Making in Organizations. (Whit Tova Rosenbloom)

2013-ISF-The role of Advisor and Advisee Similarity, Status, and Expertise in Decision-Making in Organizations. (with Dov Edan and Tova Rosenbloom).


1. Management and Human resources

2. family-work-school conflict

3. Interpersonal compatibility in organizations

4. Advise taking / decision-making

5. Statistics and Scientific writing

6 .Sexual and physical abuse

7. Clinical psychology (mental pain, body image, suicide).

8. Role conflict



M.A Students:

Student's Name          Thesis Subject                                                                Year of graduation

Tair Wainer Cohen     The Relationship between                                                        2012

                                     Emotional Intelligence and

the Performance of Managers                  


Avishg Mualem     The Self-schema, self image and                                             2013

                                self efficacy differences between

                                the various leadership styles

                                 among IDF's commanders

Yael Morel           Work-Family Conflict among

                              Single Mothers By Choice

Or goldslager        Personality Matching of Employee- Manager,

                 and its Effect on Organization's Performance

Elad Meron          What among Group Size, Agency, Social Preferences and Decision Making Style?

Lital Abraham    Taking Advice strategies among Doctors            


2015:    The Relationship between School-Work-Family Conflict, Subjective Stress, and Burnout among Married, Working Students. Paper presented at the 27th APS Annual Convention, in New York, NY, USA.



1. Kremer, I., Orbach, I.,& Rosenbloom, T. (2013). Body Image among Sexual and

        Physical Abuse Victims. Violence and victims,28 (2).pp 259-273 (A category).


2. Kremer, I.(2013). Balance Score Card (BSC) in Israeli Hi-tech and Low-Tech firms. Human Systems Management. 32,pp.131-142(,B category).

  1. Kremer, I. (accepted). The Relationship between School-Work-Family Conflict, Subjective Stress, and Burnout among Married, Working Students. Journal of managerial psychology (B+ category)

Submitted Articles:   

  1. Kremer , I., Orbach,I., & Rosenbloom,T. (submitted). Mental Pain and Suicidal Tendencies in Sexual and Physical Abuse Victims. Archives of Suicide Research. (B+ category)


  1. Weiner- Cohen,T., Kremer,I. & Rosenbloom,T.(submitted) Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, and Organization Size as Predictors of Financial Profitability of Managers. European Management Journal (B+ category).


  1. Kremer, I. (submitted). Hobbies-Work-Family Conflict, Role stress, Strain and Social support. Journal of Leisure Research. (B category).


 Articles in Preparation:

1. Kremer, I. School-work-family conflict: A comparison between seven role groups

2. Kremer, I. The Crossover of Work-Family conflict among Israeli Military personnel



תאריך עדכון אחרון : 20/07/2022





Last Updated Date : 01/12/2024