Prof. Konstantin Kogan

    קורות חיים



    September 2018       Head of the Department of Management, Bar Ilan University,       

     to October 2023        Ramat-Gan, Israel


    February-March        Visiting Professor.  Department of Business Administration and

    2017                            Economics, Cagliari University, Italy.


    September 2015      Visiting Professor. Tandon School of Engineering,

    to August 2016          New York University.


    April 2010                Chaired Professor of Operations Management, Department of 

    to present                 Management. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

                                      Founder and Head of the Dept. of Management, 2010-2015.


    September 2006      Professor. Deputy Chair (from 2004). Dept. of Interdisciplinary 

    to March 2010          Studies. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel


    September 2007–     Visiting Professor. Dept. of Industrial Engineering and

    September 2008       Management. Technion – Israel Institute of Technology,

                                       Haifa, Israel

    September 2006–     Visiting Professor. Dept. of Management and Dept. of Risk

    September 2007       and Financial Engineering. Polytechnic University, New York


    September 2000–     Associate Professor. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Studies 

    August 2006              Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel


    August 1999–           Visiting Associate Professor. Center for High Technology 

    September 2000      Management. College of Business Administration. 

                                       California State University, San Marcos, USA.


    1994-2000                Senior Lecturer. Depts. of Computer Sciences and 

                                      Technology Management. Holon Center for Technological

                                       Education affiliated with Tel-Aviv University                                                              

    September 1996–     Visiting Research Professor. Department of Applied  

     October 1996            Mathematics and Physics.  Faculty of Engineering.

                                       Kyoto University, Japan.

    1990-1995​                Visiting  Lecturer. Dept. of  Industrial Engineering. 

                                       Tel-Aviv University.

    1981-1990                Senior Researcher. Dept. of Industrial Engineering. Central

                                     Research Institute of Mechanization and Power Engineering.

                                     Moscow, USSR.



    1981-1985       Ph.D., Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations research. Central Research Institute of  Mechanization   and Power Engineering (CRIMPE).  Moscow. Dissertation: "A new approach to structural analysis and computer synthesis of technological processes".

    1973-1978       B.Sc. and M.Sc. with Distinction in Automated Control Systems, Qualification -Systems/Industrial Engineer. Moscow Institute of Technology. Thesis: "A Computerized Management and Control System for 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow”.


    117. K. Kogan, F. El Ouardighi and A. Herbon. The economic impact of lockdown and bounded treatment capability for an epidemic without vaccine. Economic Theory. Accepted September 2023.

    116. R. Boucekkine, F. El Ouardighi and K. Kogan. Recycling of multi-source waste in an aggregate circular economy, Central European Journal of Operations Research. Accepted September 2023.

    115. K. Kogan, Y. Perlman, G. Kelner, (2023) Software portfolio optimization: Access rejection versus underutilization, Appl. Sci. 13(4), 2314.

    114. K. Kogan and A. Herbon, Retailing under panic buying and consumer stockpiling: Can governmental intervention make a difference? International Journal of Production Economics, Accepted September 2022.

    113. A. Herbon and K. Kogan, Scarcity and panic buying: The effect of regulation by subsidizing the supply and customer purchases during a crisis. Annals of Operations Research, Accepted June 2022.

    112. A. Herbon and K. Kogan Apportioning limited supplies to competing retailers under panic buying and associated consumer traveling costs. Computers & Industrial Engineering. Accepted October 2021.

    111. K. Kogan, D. Tsadicovich and T. Avinadav, (2021) Water scarcity and welfare: Regulated public-private supply chain versus spot market competition, IISE Transactions, accepted August 2021.

    110. K. Kogan, (2021) Limited Time Commitment: Does Competition for Providing Scarce Products Always Improve the Supplies? European Journal of Operational Research.  288(2), 408-419.

    109. Kogan K. and F. El Ouardighi, (2021) False quality claims and supply chain implications. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 72(6).

    108. K. Kogan, A. Herbon and B. Venturi, (2020) Direct Marketing of an Event under Hazards of Customer Saturation and Forgetting, Annals of Operations Research, 295(1), 207-227.

    107. K. Kogan,  (2020) Retailing and Long-term Environmental Concerns:  The Impact of Inventory and Pricing Competition, Journal of the Operational Research Society. 71(4) 647-659.

    106. K. Kogan and T. Chernonog, (2019) Competition under Industry-Stock-Driven Prevailing Market Price: Environmental Consequences and the Effect of Uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 276(3), 929-946.

     105. K. Kogan and F. El Ouardighi. (2019) Autonomous and induced production learning under price and quality competition. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol 67,  74-84.

    104. Kogan K. (2019) Discounting Revisited: Evolutionary Perspectives on Competition and Coordination in a Supply Chain with Multiple Retailers. Central European Journal of Operations Research. 27(1), 69-92.

    103. K. Kogan and C. Tapiero. (2018) Merton’s financial multi-agent consumption. Risk and Decision Analysis, 7(3-4): 107-117.

    102. K. Kogan, T. Chernonog and T. Avinadav, (2018) The Effect of Delivery Deviations on the Choice of a Supplier and the Supply-Chain Equilibrium, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 62, 368-382.

    101. K. Kogan, R. Panizel and Y. Perlman, (2018) Part-time Practice in Healthcare: Impact on Operational versus Medical Performance. Health Marketing Quarterly, 35(2),1-15.

    100. F. El Ouardighi, K. Kogan, M. Sanguinetti and G. Gnecco, (2018) Transboundary pollution control and environmental absorption efficiency management, Annals of Operations Research, 27(2), 235-249.

    99. F. El Ouardighi, K. Kogan, G. Gnecco and M. Sanguinetti, (2018) Commitment-based equilibrium environmental strategies under time-dependent absorption efficiency, Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN), 27(2), 235-249.

    98. K. Kogan, F. El Ouardighi and A. Herbon. (2017) Production with learning and forgetting in a competitive environment, International Journal of Production Economics  (IJPE). Vol. 189, 52-62.

    97. K. Kogan, B. Venturi and M. Shnaiderman, (2017) The effect of uncertainty on production-inventory policies with environmental considerations, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol 62, No 9, 4862 – 4868

    96. C. Tapiero and K. Kogan. Wealth and strategic financial consumption pricing. Risk and Decision Analysis. 2017, 6, 2, p. 187-191.


    95. K. Kogan, Pricing competition with inventory considerations in a hazard rate-prone market of durables. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control , 2016, Vol. 73, pp. 298-313.

    94. K. Kogan, F. El Ouardighi and T. Chernonog, Learning-by-doing with spillovers: Strategic complementarity versus strategic substitutability, Automatica, 2016, Vol. 67, pp. 282-294.

    93. K. Kogan and A. Herbon. Inventory Control over a Short Time Horizon under Unknown Demand Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, 61(10), pp. 3058 - 3063

    92. Kogan, J. Leu and T. Chernonog, Healthcare Supply Chain Operations: Why are doctors reluctant to consolidate? Operations Research for Health Care. 3 (2015), pp. 101-115.  

    91. A. Herbon and K. Kogan, A heuristic for coordinated production and pricing under uncertainty and finite production horizon. Annals of Operations Research, 223, 2014, pp. 195-216.

    90T. Chernonog  and K. Kogan, The Effect of Risk Aversion on a Supply Chain with Postponed Pricing. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 2014, 65(9), 1396-1411.

    89.  F. El Ouardighi and K. Kogan, Dynamic conformance and design quality in a supply chain: an assessment of contracts’ coordinating power. Annals of Operations Research. vol. 211, no. 1, (2013), pp. 37-166.

    88.  F. El Ouardighi, K. Kogan and R. Vranceanu, Publish or teach? Analysis of the professor's optimal career pathJournal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2013, 37(10), 1995–2009.

    87. K. Kogan, Y. Ozinci and Y. Perlman, Containing Piracy with Product Pricing, Updating and Protection Investments. International Journal of Production Economics. 2013, Vol. 144, 468-478.


    86. K. Kogan and D. Sheril-Rofe, Transshipments in Hazardous Environments: Cooperative versus Non-Cooperative Quality Control. International Game Theory Review (IGTR), 2013, Vol 15, No 1, 1350001-1-1350001-27.


    85. E. Eckhaus, K. Kogan and Y. Perlman, Enhancing strategic supply decisions by estimating supplier’s marginal costs. Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM) 2013, Vol. 49, 96-107.


    84. K. Kogan, Ship-to-Order Supplies: Contract Breachability and the Effect of Outlet  Sales, European Journal of Operational Research. 218 (2012) 113–123.


    83. K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, Coordination of Co-Investments in Supply Chain Infrastructure. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23, Issue 6, 2012, 2471-2475


    82. K. Kogan. Manufacturing under Uncertainty: Offsetting the Inability to  Instantaneously Adjust Production with Dynamic Pricing. IIE Transactions. 44(6), 2012, 419-430


    81. K. Kogan, Second-Hand Markets and Intra-Supply Chain CompetitionJournal of Retailing, 87 (4),489–501, (2011).


    80. K. Kogan and M. Shnaiderman, On Optimality of a Class of Dynamic Myopic Policies for Continuous-Time Replenishment with Periodic UpdatesJournal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA), 151(1), 2011, 191-209.


    79. K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, Inter-temporal Inventory Competition and the Effects of Capacity Constraints.International Journal of Production Economics, 131(2), 2011, 682-688.


    78. B. Golany, K. Kogan and U.G. Rothblum, A generalized Two-Agent Location Problem: Asymmetric Dynamics and Coordination, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA), 148 (2), 2011, 336-363.


    77. K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, Supplier Led Outsourcing: An Intertemporal Hierarchical Framework. The IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 22(1), 2011, 79-98.


    76. K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, Water Supply and Consumption Uncertainty:  A Nash Conflict-Equilibrium. Annals of Operations Research, 181(1), 2010, 199-217.


    75. K. Kogan and M. Shnaiderman, Continuous-time Replenishment under Intermittent ObservabilityIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55(6), 2010, 1460-1465.


    74. K. Kogan, S. Lou, C. Tapiero and M. Schnaiderman. Supply Chain with Inventory Review and Dependent Demand Distributions: Dynamic Inventory OutsourcingIEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 7 (2), 2010, 197-207.


    73. K. Kogan, S. Lou and D. Serill-Rofe, Optimal sampling policies in a centralized supply chain with demands affected by product quality. International Journal of Management and Network Economics,  1(4), 2009, 423–438.


    72. K. Kogan, Production Control under Uncertainty: Open-Loop versus Closed-Loop Approach. IIE Transactions.41(10), 2009, 905-915.


    71. C. Tapiero and K. Kogan, Risk-Averse Order Policies With Random Prices in Complete Market and Retailers' Private InformationEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 196, 2009, 594-599.


    70. K. Kogan and H. Tell, Production smoothing by balancing capacity utilization and advance orders. IIETransactions, 41(3), 2009, 223 – 231.


    69. K. Kogan, Y. Perlman and S. Hovav, Equilibrium Replenishment in a Supply Chain with a Single Distributor and Multiple RetailersThe IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 20, 2009, 395-399. The paper has been selected for free on-line access as the Editor’s choice.


    68. K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, Optimal Co-Investment in Supply Chain InfrastructureEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 192, 2009, 265-276.


    67. K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, Vertical Pricing Competition in Supply Chains: The Effect of Production Experience and CoordinationInternational Transactions in Operational Research, 15 (4), 2008, 461–479.


    66. C. Tapiero and K. Kogan, Sustainable Infrastructure Investment in a Labor only ProductionInternational Journal of Production Economics, 113(2), 2008, 876-886.


    65. K. Kogan and A. Herbon, A Supply Chain Under Limited Time Promotion: The Effect of Customer SensitivityEuropean Journal of Operational  Research, 188, 2008, 273–292.

    64. K. Kogan and A. Herbon, Production under Periodic Demand Update Prior to a Single Selling Season: A decomposition approachEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 184, 2008, 133-146.


    63. C. Tapiero and K. Kogan, Risk and Quality Control in a Supply Chain: competitive and collaborative approaches,Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2007, 58(11), 1440‑1448


    62. K. Kogan, U. Spiegel  and G. Epstein, Optimal Pricing with Loyalty. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 1(56), 2007, pp.2747 - 2788.


    61. U. Spiegel, K. Kogan and J. Templeman, An Aggregate Laffer Curve: a multi-peak case, Public Finance Quarterly, 53(3), 2008, 513-524


    60. K. Kogan and U. Spiegel, Dynamic Zigzag Pricing of Resalable Goods with no Depreciation and Intergroup ExternalitiesJournal of the Operational Research Society, 57, 2006, 1353-1365.


    59.  K. Kogan, S. Lou and A. Herbon, Optimal Control of a Failure-Prone Machine under Random DemandIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51(5), 2006, 900-905.


    58. K. Kogan and U. Spiegel, Optimal policies for inventory usage, production and pricing of fashion goods over a selling period Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57, 2006, 304-315.


    57. K. Kogan and V. Portougal, Multi-period aggregate production planning in a news-vendor frameworkJournal of the Operational Research Society, 57, 2006, 423-433.


    56.  K. Kogan, Optimal Scheduling of Parallel Machines with Constrained ResourcesEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 170(3), 2006, 771-787.


    55. K. Kogan and S. Lou, Single Machine with Wiener Increment Random Yield: Optimal Off-Line ControlIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50(11), 2005, 1850-1854.


    54. K. Kogan, E. Khmelnitsky and T. Ibaraki, Dynamic generalized assignment problems with stochastic demands and multiple agent-task relationshipsJournal of Global Optimization, 31, No 1, 2005, 17-43.


    53. K. Kogan, C. Shu and J. Perkins, Optimal Finite-Horizon Production Control in a Defect-Prone Environment,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49, No 10, 2004, 1795-1800.


    52. K. Kogan, Scheduling Parallel Machines by the Dynamic Newsboy ProblemComputers and Operations Research, 31(3), 2004, 429-443.


    51. K. Kogan, Unbounded Knapsack problem with Controllable rates: The case of A Random Demand for Items. Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS)54, 2003, 594-604.


    50. N.-C. R. Hwang and K. Kogan, A Dynamic Approach to Human Resources Planning for Major Professional Companies with a Peak-Wise Demand, International Journal of Production Research, 41(6), 2003,



    49. K. Kogan, and S. Lou, Multi-stage newsboy problem: a dynamic modelEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 149(2), 2003, 448-458.


    48. K. Kogan and J.R. Perkins, Infinite Horizon Production Planning with Periodic Demand: Solvable Cases and a General Numerical Approach. IIE Transactions, 35, 2003, 61-71.


    47. K. Kogan, S. Lou and A. Herbon, Optimal Control of a Resource-Sharing Multi-Processor with Periodic Maintenance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(6), 2002, 1342-1346.


    46. K. Kogan and T. Raz, Optimal Allocation of Inspection Effort Over a Finite Planning Horizon, IIE Transactions,34(6), 2002, 515-527.


    45. K. Kogan and S. Lou, Optimal Production Control: Analytical Solution for the Limit Cycles, IIETransactions, 34(4), 2002, 363-374.


    44. K. Kogan, T. Raz and R. Elitzur, Optimal Control in Homogeneous Projects: Analytically Solvable Deterministic Cases. IIE Transactions, 34(1), 2002, 63-75.


    43. K. Kogan, Y. Leu and J.R. Perkins, Parallel-Machine, Multiple-Product-Type, Continuous-Time Scheduling: Decomposable Cases, IIE Transactions, 34(1), 2002, 11-22.


    42. K. Kogan, E. Khmelnitsky and E. Levner, A Combinatorial Approach to A Class of Parallel-Machine, Continuous-Time Scheduling Problems. IIE Transactions, 34(3), 2002, 223-231.


    41. K. Kogan and S. Lou, Scheduling One-Part-Type Serial Manufacturing System Under Periodic Demand: A Solvable Case. Computers and Operations Research. 29, 2002, 1195-1206.


    40. K. Kogan, One-Machine, N-Product-Type, Continuous-Time Scheduling with a Common Due Date: APolynomially Solvable Case. IIE Transactions, 33(1), 2001, 1-10.


    39. K. Kogan, Scheduling Concurrent Production over a Finite Planning Horizon: Polynomially Solvable Cases,Computers and Operations Research, 27(14), 2000, 1409-1419.


    38. K. Kogan and T. Ibaraki, Optimal Scheduling in Parallel and Serial Manufacturing Systems via the Maximum Principle, Journal of Global Optimization, 16(3), 2000, 271-294.


    37. O. Maimon, E. Khmelnitsky and. K. Kogan, Sequence Dependent Setup Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Parallel Machines, IIE Transactions, 32(7), 2000, 599-611.


    36.  E. Khmelnitsky, K. Kogan and O. Maimon, A Time Decomposition Method for Sequence Dependent Setup Scheduling under Pressing Demand ConditionsIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 45(4), 2000, 638-652.


    35. K. Kogan, Continuous-Time Models for Production Scheduling in Constrained Subcontracting Conditions,Information Systems and Operational Research (INFOR), 38(2), 2000, 113-125.


    34. K. Kogan and E. Levner, Optimal Control of Assembling Complexes under Predetermined Maintenance Conditions, Annals of Operations Research, 91, 1999, 49-62.


    33. K. Kogan, A Continuous-Time Integrated Model for Discrete Control of Production Flows in a Multi-Level Bills of Material Environment, International Transactions in Operational Research, 6(3), 1999, 263-273.


    32. K. Kogan and A. Shtub, Scheduling Projects With Variable-Intensity Activities: The Case of Dynamic Earliness and Tardiness Costs, European Journal of Operational Research, 118(3), 1999, 65-80.


    31. K. Kogan, Scheduling Under Common Due Date, a Single Resource and Precedence Constraints - a Dynamic Approach, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 8(4), 1998, 353-364.


    30. K. Kogan and E. Khmelnitsky, Tracking Dynamic Demands in Managerial Systems with Continuously-Divisible, Doubly Constrained Resources, Journal of Global Optimization, 13(1),1998, 43-59.


    29. K. Kogan, E. Khmelnitsky and A. Shmelovici,  A  Tandem Approach to Near Optimal Setup Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 4(1), 1998, 55-67.


    28. K. Kogan, E. Khmelnitsky and O. Maimon, Balancing facilities in aggregate production planning: Make-to-Order and Make-to-Stock environments, International Journal of Production Research, 36(9), 1998, pp.2585-2596.


    27. K. Kogan and E. Levner, A Polynomial Algorithm for Scheduling Small-Scale Manufacturing Cells Served by Multiple Robots, Computers and Operations Research, 25, 1998, 53-62.


    26. A. Shtub and K. Kogan, Capacity Planning by the Dynamic, Multi-Resource Generalized Assignment Problem.European Journal of Operational Research, 105, 1998, 91-99.


    25. K. Kogan, E. Khmelnitsky, A. Shtub and O. Maimon, Optimal Flow Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Setup Localization by an Iterative Procedure, International Journal of Production Economics, 51, 1997, 37-46.


    24. K. Kogan, Discrete Event Control of  Production Flows: Make-To-Stock and Make-To-Order Environments, International Journal of Production Research, 35(6),1997, 1729-1741.


    23. E. Khmelnitsky, K. Kogan and O.Maimon, Maximum Principle-Based Methods For Scheduling FMS with Partially Sequence Dependent Setups, International Journal of Production Research, 35(10), 1997, pp.2701- 2712.


    22. K. Kogan, A. Shtub and V. Levit, DGAP - The Dynamic Generalized Assignment Problem, Annals of Operations Research, 69, 1997, 227-239.


    21. E. Khmelnitsky and K. Kogan, Production Flow Control: Balancing Facilities under Fixed Initial Inventory Conditions, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 2(1),1996, 25-33.


    20. E. Khmelnitsky and K. Kogan, Optimal policies for aggregate production and capacity planning under an arbitrary demand, International Journal of Production Research, 34(7),1996, 1929-1941.


    19. K. Kogan and E. Khmelnitsky, An Optimal Control Model for Continuous Time Production and Setup Scheduling,International Journal of Production Research, 34(3), 1996, 715-725.


    18. E. Khmelnitsky, K. Kogan and O. Maimon, Optimal Flow Control for Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems with Continuous Setups, International Transactions in Operational Research, 2(4), 1995, 331-339.


    17. E. Levner, K. Kogan, and I. Levin, Scheduling a Two-Machine Robotic Cell:  A Solvable Case, Annals of Operations Research, 57, 1995, 217-232.


    16. K. Kogan and E. Khmelnitsky, An optimal Control Method for Aggregate Production Planning in Large-Scale manufacturing Systems with Capacity Expansion and Deterioration,  An International Journal Computers & Industrial Engineering, 28(4), 1995, 851-859.


    15. E. Levner, K. Kogan and O. Maimon, Flow Shop Scheduling of Robotic Cells with Job-Dependent Transportation and Setup Effects, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 46, 1995, 1447-1455.


    14. E. Khmelnitsky, K. Kogan and O. Maimon,  A Maximum Principle Based  Combined Method for Scheduling in a Flexible Manufacturing System, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 5, 1995, 343-355.


    13. E. Khmelnitsky and K. Kogan, Necessary Optimality Conditions for a  Generalized Problem of Production Scheduling, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 15, 1994, 215-222.


    12. K. Kogan, An Extended Bill of Material Model for Selecting Production Alternatives in a Multi-Routing Environment, International Journal of Production Research, 32(3), 1994, 657-667.


    11. A. Mokurin, K. Kogan and S. Sergeev, Performance of Equipment  Models For Sorting, Forest Industry Journal, Moscow, 2, 1990, 22-24 (in Russian).


    10. K. Kogan, A. Chuvelev, R. Vecheslavova and S. Sergeev, Modeling of Technology Estimate when Specifying Technology For Logging Enterprises, Journal of CRIMPE, Moscow, 1990, 27-34 (in Russian).


    9. K. Kogan, G. Miroshnikov and Z. Todua, Simulation of technological  Process of Sorting  Items By  A Mobile Robot, Journal  of CRIMPE,  Moscow, 1988, 74-78 (In Russian).


    8. A. Chuvelev and K. Kogan, Probabilistic Distribution of Tree Lengths at The Lower Landing, Journal of CRIMPE, Moscow, 1988, 69-73 (In Russian).


    7. K. Kogan, Trends in Foreign Automated Logging Technology, Journal of AURPIIE, Moscow, 7, 1986, 1-19 (In Russian).


    6. G. Panichev and K. Kogan, Efficiency  of  Production  Line For Processing Tree-lengths, Forest Industry Journal, Moscow, 3, 1985, 27-28 (In Russian).


    5. G. Panichev and K. Kogan, Model of Usage Conditions for Production Line For Processing Tree-lengths, Journal of CRIMPE, Moscow, 1985, 77-84 (in Russian).


    4. K. Kogan, Computer-based Analysis of Lower Landing technology,  Journal of the All-Union Research and Project  Institute of Information and  Economics of the  USSR  Ministry  of Forest Industry (AURPIIE), Moscow, 6, 1985, 14-15 (In Russian).


    3. K. Kogan, Synthesis of Structural Technological Processes, Informational Journal of the USSR State Science and Technique Committee, Moscow, 5(62), 1984, 89-90 (In Russian).


    2. K. Kogan, Structural Analysis of Lower Landing Technology, Journal of CRIMPE, Moscow, 1984, 164-168 (In Russian).


    1. D. Voevoda, L. Kitainick and K. Kogan, On Automatization of Structural Analysis and Synthesis of Technology,Journal of the Central Research Institute of Mechanization and Power Engineering (CRIMPE), Moscow, 1982, 87-98 (In Russian).



    6.  F. El Ouardighi and K. Kogan (Eds.) Models and Methods in Economics and Management Science, Springer, Switzerland, 2013.


    5. K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, "Supply Chain Games: Operations Management and Risk Valuation", Springer, Boston, 2007.


    4. K. Kogan and E. Khmelnitsky, “Scheduling: Control-Based Theory and Polynomial-Time Algorithms”, KluwerAcademic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2000.


    3. O. Maimon, E. Khmelnitsky and K. Kogan, “Optimal Flow Control in Manufacturing Systems: Production Planning and Scheduling”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998.


    2. G. Rahmanin and K. Kogan, “Elaboration of Manufacturing Processes Using Computer: Concept, Software and User’s Manual”, CRIMPE Publishing, Moscow, 1988 (In Russian).


    1. D. Voevoda and K. Kogan, “Computer Aided Design and Process Planning of Timber Processes”, AURPIIEPublishing, Moscow, 1986 (In Russian).


    Chapter in Books


    1. K. Kogan and E. Khmelnitsky, A Directed Search Strategy for Tandem Scheduling System, in Artificial Intelligence in Engineering: Applications and Techniques (Ed. G. Rzevski, J. Pastor, R.A. Adey), Computational Mechanics Publications and Elsevier, 1993, 643-655.

    2. Levner E., Kogan K., Levin I. (1994) Simulation of Discrete-Continuous Scheduling Problems Arising in On-line Control of Robotic Cells. S. Morita et al. (eds.) New Directions in Simulation for Manufacturing and Communications, Operations Research Society Publishers, Tokyo, 470-475

    2. B. Golany, K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, Dynamic Coordination of Multiple Agents in a Class of Differential Games Through a Generalized Linear Reward Scheme, in Models and Methods in Economics and Management Science (Eds. F. El Ouardighi and K. Kogan), Springer, Switzerland, 2013


    3. Kogan and F. El Ouardighi, Control in a competitive environment with incomplete information, in New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems. (Daniele P. and Scrimali L.), Springer, 2018.



    Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings


    1.  K. Kogan and M. Pasternak, Decision Making Method for Synthesizing Bills of Material in a Multi-Alternative Environment Proceedings of the Rensselaer’s Third International Conference on  Computer Integrated Manufacturing, New-York, May 1992, 376-381.

    2. E. Levner, K. Kogan and  I. Levin, Simulation of discrete-continuous scheduling problems arising in on-line control of robotic cells, proceedings of the International Conference on New Directions in Simulations for Manufacturing and Communications, Tokio, August 1994, 470-474.

    3. E. Khmelnitsky, K. Kogan and O. Maimon, A modified iterative method for optimal flow control in flexible manufacturing systems, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Glasgow, August 1994, 1769-1774.

    4. E. Khmelnitsky, K. Kogan and O. Maimon, Optimal Flow  Control in Manufacturing Systems with Continuous Setups, Proceedings of the Rensselaer’s Fourth International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology, New York, October, 1994, 178-183.

    5. A. Shtub and K. Kogan, Scheduling by the Dynamic Assignment Model, Proceedings of the Bi-National Israel-Germany Conference on Computer Integrated Extended Manufacturing Enterprise, Herziliah, Israel, February, 1996, 23-31.

    6. K. Kogan, E. Khmelnitsky, A. Shtub and O. Maimon, Optimal Flow Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Setup Localization by an Iterative Procedure, International Workshop on Intelligent Scheduling of Robots and FMS, Holon, July, 1995,145-148.

    7. K. Kogan, Multi-Project Scheduling Under Common Due Date: An optimal control approach, 20th International Conference on Computers&Industrial Engineering, Kyongju, Korea, October, 1996.

    8. E. Khmelnitsky and K. Kogan, Optimal Control of a Dynamic Production System with Constrained Resources, International  Conference on Optimization Techniques and Applications, Australia, July, 1998.

    9. K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, Investment and supply chain infrastructure, 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Saint-Etienne, France, May, 2006.

    10. K. Kogan, Continuous-time production control under Periodic Inventory Review. IASTED conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, February, 2008.

    11. K. Kogan, Off-line and On-line Production Control: A Diffusion Approximation. IASTED conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, February, 2010.


    Papers and Abstracts in Conference Proceedings


    12. K. Kogan, An Intelligent Database Support to Decision Making in a  Multi-Alternative Material Requirements  Planning, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management,  Haifa, April 1992.

    13. E. Khmelnitsky and K. Kogan, Optimal Setup Method for Scheduling Flow Shops, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Production Research, Lappeenranta, Finland, August 1993.

    14. E. Khmelnitsky and K. Kogan, On the Necessary Optimality Conditions for a Generalized Problem of Production Scheduling,  Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Theory and its Applications, Jerusalem, Israel, October 1993.

    15. O. Maimon, K. Kogan and E. Levner,  Flowshop Scheduling of Robotic Cells with Task-Dependent Transportation and Setup Effects, Proceedings of ORSIS National Meeting, Naharia, Israel,  May 1993.

    16. E. Khmelnitsky, K. Kogan and O. Maimon, An Optimal Control  Model for Production Scheduling with Continuous Setup, Proceedings of  ORSIS National Meeting, Naharia, Israel, May 1993.

    17. K. Kogan, E. Khmelnitsky and O. Maimon,  A fastened algorithm for Sequence-dependent Setup Scheduling in FMS,   Proceedings  of the  TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Boston, April 1994.

    18. K. Kogan and E. Khmelnitsky, An Improved Optimization  Algorithm for Scheduling Sizable Manufacturing Systems with Setup Effects, Proceedings of INFORMS National Meeting, Los-Angeles, April, 1995.

    19. K. Kogan, E. Khmelnitsky, A. Shtub and O. Maimon, Optimal  Control-Based Methods for Scheduling Dynamic Production Systems, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference of Operations Research, Jerusalem, July, 1995.

    20. K. Kogan, E. Khmelnitsky, A. Shtub and O. Maimon, An Optimal  Control-Based Method for Setup Localization, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on  Production Research, Jerusalem, August, 1995.

    21. K. Kogan and A. Shtub, An approach to the Dynamic Generalized Assignment Problem, Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Herziliah, Israel, May, 1996.

    22. K. Kogan, A continuous-time dynamic model for discrete control of production flows in a multi-level bills of material environment, Proceedings of the International Federation of Operational  Research Societies14th Triennial Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 1996.

    23. K. Kogan and E. Levner, Optimal Control Based Scheduling of Assembling Complexes in Tandem with AS/RS, Euro XV INFORMS XXXIV Joint International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July, 1997.

    24. K. Kogan and E. Khmelnitsky, Parallel Machine, Continuous-Time, Production Control: A Polynomially Solvable Case,  Euro XVI International Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July, 1998.

    25. S. Lou and K. Kogan, One-Part-Type Serial Manufacturing System Control With Periodic Maintenance, INFORMS International Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, July, 1998.

    26. K. Kogan, A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Continuous- Time Scheduling of Parallel Machines, INFORMS Meeting, Philadelphia, November, 1999.

    27. S. Lou and K. Kogan, Optimal Production Control with Periodic Maintenance, INFORMS Meeting, Salt Lake City, May, 2000.

    28. E. Khmelnitsky and K. Kogan, The Maximum Principle and Combinatorics: A Solution Method for a Class of Optimal Control Problems, International Conference on Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC2001), Innsbruck, Austria, February, 2001.

    29.  K. Kogan and R. Hwang, A Dynamic Approach to Continuous­ Time Human Resource Planning, The XVIIIth EURO Conference On Operations Research, Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July, 2001.

    30.   K. Kogan, Production Planning: A Dynamic Approach to Continuous Time Human Resource Expansion, The 12th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March, 2002

    31.   K. Kogan, Aggregate Production Planning with Periodic Update,An International Conference on Production and Logistics Network Optimization (AIRO Winter 2004), Ayas-Champoluc, Italy, February, 2004.

    32.  K. Kogan, Aggregate Production Planning with Periodic Update,The 13th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference,Tel-Aviv, Israel, March, 2004.

    33.  K. Kogan, "Single period inventory control by the dynamicnewsboy problem", An International Conference on Productionand Logistics Network Optimization (AIRO Winter 2005),Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, February, 2005.

    34.  K. Kogan and A. Herbon, "A dynamic game between a wholesaler and a retailer under a limited-time promotion", Optimal Control and Dynamic Games: Workshop in honor of Suresh Sethi, Aix en Provence, France, June, 2005.

    35.  K. Kogan and C. Tapiero, "Co-Investment in Supply Chain Infrastructure ", International Conference on Management Sciences: Optimization models and Applications, Dallas, May,20-22, 2006.

    36.  Kogan K., Hovav S. and Perlman, Y."A Replenishment Period which Minimizes the Transportation Cost Related to Both Regular and Urgent  Orders", 5th IMA International Conference on Quantitative Modeling in the Management of Healthcare, London, September 2007.

    37.  El Ouardighi F. and K. Kogan, “Optimal Academic Career  Path Under Symmetrically Depreciating and Interacting Competence”, 2nd Workshop on Dynamic Games in Management Science, Valladolid, Spain, June 28-30, 2009.

    38.  K. Kogan, A comparative Analysis of Off-Line and On-Line Production Control,11th Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Non-linear Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, May 2010.

    39.  El Ouardighi F. and K. Kogan, A Supply Chain with Design and Conformance Quality under Wholesale Price and Revenue-Sharing Contract, MSOM 2010 Annual Conference, June 27-29, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 2010.

    40.  K. Kogan, "Production Control under Uncertainty: OFF-line versus On-line Approach”, Sixth International Winter Conference of the Italian  Operational Research Society (AIRO Winter 2011), Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, February, 2011.

    41. K. Kogan Ship-to-order Supplies: A Stochastic Supply Chain Game, 12th Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Non-linear Dynamics. Vienna, May 2012.

    42. B. Golany,  K. Kogan and U. Rothbloom, Dynamic Coordination between Two Asymmetric Agents Moving Along a Route, Seventh International Winter Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society (AIRO Winter 2013), Cortina d'Ampezzo,  Italy, January-February, 2013.

    43.  K. Kogan, J. Leu and T. Chernonog, Healthcare Supply Chain Operations: Cooperation versus Competition, The 2015 International Winter Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society (AIRO Winter 2015), Ayas-Champoluc, Italy, January, 2015.

    44. K. Kogan and F. El Ouardighi, Bounded rationality, learning-by-doing and Cournot competition in a stochastic environment Chain Game, 13th Workshop on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games. Vienna, May 2015.

    45. K. Kogan and F. El Ouardighi, Learning and forgetting in a competitive environment with spillovers, Optimization days 2016, HEC, Montreal, Canada, May 2016


    46. Gnecco, G. and El Ouardighi, F. and Kogan, K. and Sanguineti, M.  A Two-Player Differential Game Model for the Management of Transboundary Pollution and Environmental Absorption. The 45th Conference of Italian Operational Research Society (AIRO 2015), September 7-10, 2015, Pisa, Italy pp. 306-307. (2015)

    47. K. Kogan and F. El Ouardighi, Production Learning and Forgetting Dynamics in A Competitive Environment, ORSIS 2017, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, May 21-22.

    48. Kogan K. Competition under industry-stock-driven market price, 14th Viennese Conference on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games, July 2018, Vienna, Austria.

    49. Kogan K. and F. El Ouardighi, Optimization and Decision Science ODS 2018 - Production control in a competitive environment under incomplete information, September 2018, Taomina, Italy.

    50.Kogan K. and F. El Ouardighi, False quality claims and supply chain implications, OR EURO 2019, 23rd to the 26th June, University College Dublin, Ireland

    51. Kogan K. and Herbon A. Panic buying: Retailing dynamics and the potential effect of regulations, ORSIS, August 2021, Haifa, Israel.

    52. Kogan K. and Herbon A. Panic buying: consumer stockpiling and the potential effect of regulations, 15th Viennese Conference on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games, July 2022, Vienna, Austria.

    53. Abu Jomaa N. and Kogan K. Optimal ordering under a low-quality substitute, stochastic lead time and last-minute demand, International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, August 30th  – September 2nd , 2022, Firenze, Italy




    Supply Chain Management



    Applications of Logistics Seminar




    Advanced Operations Research




    Thesis Workshop




    Empirical Research Seminar



    תחומי מחקר

    Main research interests are in the areas of applied optimization, optimal control, differential games and operations management in general, and production planning, control and supply chain management in particular.


    Funded Research Projects

    #4301-1-93, "Scheduling of multi-robot flexible manufacturing systems”.Research Grant, The Ministry of Science  and The Arts, 1994-1997.

    # 495, "A modified method for flow-shop scheduling”. Research Grant, Tel-Aviv University Foundation, 1994.

    Stochastic Optimal Control of Production-Distribution Systems”. Research Grant, Israeli-Italian Scientific Cooperation, 1999-2001.

    Optimal Control of Unmanned Vehicles”. Magneton –a Cooperative Research Grant with Elbit Industries, 2008-2010

    EcoeFISHent Grant 101036428 —  Euro Horizon 2021-2026

    Last Updated Date : 28/11/2024