ד"ר אמיר אלאלוף
1. Elalouf, A., Tsadikovich, D., & Hovav, S. Optimization of blood sample collection with timing and quality constraints. International Transactions in Operational Research (Accepted November 2016) DOI: 10.1111/itor.12354
2. A. Elalouf, G. Wachtel, An alternative scheduling approach for improving emergency department performance. International Journal of Production Economics 178(2016): 65-71
3. A Elalouf and E.Levener , Improving the solution complexity of the scheduling problem with deadlines: A general technique, RAIRO of operations research 50(2016) 681-687
4. S Covo, A. Elalouf A new stochastic model and its diffusion approximation, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (2015)
5. Amir Elalouf, Sharon Hovav, Dmitry Tsadikovich, Liron Yedidsion Minimizing operational costs by restructuring the blood sample collection chain, Operations Research for Health Care 7(2015): 81-93
6. Levner, E., Kriheli, B., Elalouf, A., & Tsadikovich, D. (2014) "A fast scheduling algorithm for detection and localization of hidden objects based on data gathering in wireless sensor networks." Nature-Inspired Computation and Machine Learning. Springer International Publishing, 2014. 436-450
7. Amir Elalouf, Guy Wachtel, An alternative scheduling approach for improving patient-flow in emergency departments, Operations Research for Health Care 7 (2015): 94-102
8. A Elalouf, S.Covo, A novel single-gamma approximation to the sum of independent gamma variables, and a generalization to infinitely divisible distributions. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8(1), 894-926
9. M Tang, A. Elalouf, E.Levner , Efficient computation of evacuation routes on a three-dimensional geometric network. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 76, 231-242
10. Y Perlman, A. Elalouf, E. Bodinger, Dynamic repair priority for a transfer line with a finite buffer, Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 (2014) 16–26
11. A Elalouf, E.Levner , M.Tang An improved FPTAS for maximizing the weighted number of just-in-time jobs in a two-machine flow shop problem, Journal of Scheduling August 2013, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 429-435
12. A Elalouf, E.Levner and T.C.E. Cheng, Routing and Dispatching of Multiple Mobile Agents in Integrated Enterprises, International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 145, Issue 1, September 2013, Pages 96–106
13. A Elalouf, Fast Approximation Algorithms for Routing Problems with Hop-Wise Constraints, Annals of Operations Research
14. A Elalouf and E.Levener ,Fast Algorithms for Mobile Agent Routing with Node-wise Constraints in Communications Networks, Applied and Computational Mathematics v. 11, no. 2, p. 214-226 (2012)
15. Avrahamoff, Yossi, and Amir Elalouf. "Modeling, Analysis, And Prevention Of Losses In Car Service Contracting." International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology Volume 3, Issue 4, 2015
16. Reut Gantz, Mor Levi, Elinor Idan, Kobi Idan and Amir Elalouf, Does the Addition of a Marketing Intermediary Increase the Manufacturer's Profits? Advances in Research, ISSN: 2348-0394 ,Vol.: 3, Issue.: 5 (2014)
17. Nir Cohen, Amir Elalouf How to Manage an Agile/Kanban Software Project Using EVM International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, Volume 03 – Issue 03, May 2014
18. Gross Jonathan, Levin Avraham, Neeman Dror, Amir Elalouf, The advantages of SPC models in quality control processes, Modern Management Science & Engineering Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014
19. A. Elalouf , A Fast Approximation Algorithm for Routing Emergency Vehicles under Uncertain Urban Traffic Conditions, Journal of Service Science and Management (2012)
20. A. Elalouf, I. David and J.Pliskin, Computing the Probabilities of HLA-like Matching, Annals of Operations Research (2011) , issue 0254-5330, pages 1-13
21. E.Levner, A. Elalouf, and T.C.E. Cheng, An Improved FPTAS for Mobile Agent Routing with Time Constraints, Journal of Universal Computer Science vol. 17, no. 13 (2011), 1854-1862
22. I. David and E. Alalouf, On optimal aiming to hit a linear target ,1999, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, Vol. 46 (1999): 323-333
23. A. Elalouf, E.Levner and T.C.E. Cheng, Computing Mobile Agent Routes with Node-Wise Constraints in Distributed Communication Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2011)
24. A. Elalouf, E.Levner and T.C.E. Cheng, Efficient Routing of Mobile Agents for Agent-Based Integrated Enterprise Management:A General Acceleration Technique, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (2011):1-20
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 15/12/2024